Why Can't We Always be Like This?

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Who even goes in a bathroom to get away from a potential murderer anyway. Wow, I'm starting to realize how stupid I am. I'm pretty sure this isn't the way out of the damn house so why am I here. Ok to be honest I haven't been in much of the house anyway having been in one room most of the time. But still you would think I can tell a bathroom from a door to the fucking outside world, its just embarrassing.

Having been lost in regret I remembered there was something possibly trying to kill me in the same room as me. Scanning the room for any kind of exit I noticed that there was absolutely none. Seriously, who has a bathroom with at least one window. ( lol I do -__- ) I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do. Hey, I don't even know if this thing wants to kill me. It could just be me imagining this because of that movie I was watching. So its just my imagination, right?


*GASP* It talks. Note the sarcasm.

"Jimin what are you doing?"

Where was he earlier? What is he planning to do with me? The soft caring Jimin I saw yesterday seemed nonexistent at this point. A murderous look placed upon his features giving me an unsettling feeling in my body. I don't like this.

"You'll find out soon, princess"

Princess? Ew. No

That was the last thing I remember thinking before I felt some cloth on my mouth with the world slowly fading to pitch black.

Jimin's POV

Now is the time. It couldn't have been a better moment. I could see right through that act she pulled last night. I was NOT going to be THAT easy. Unless...


Finally I can actually see something. It isn't much though, just a plain white ceiling. I tried turning on my side for more comfort until I realized I couldn't move. What the hell?

I heard the sound of what I assume to be a door opening with footsteps following after that. 

"I can see that you're awake."

No shit sherlock.

His footsteps stopped I then felt his hand trail up from my collar bone to my check rubbing it. Cringing internally at his action I moved my head to the side hoping to get away from his touch. Saddened by my action he pulled his hand away from my slowly receding form to take a good look at me before talking to me again.

"You know, I can untie you and you could get up and have just a little chance at freedom right?"

WAIT, WHAT? was this always an option? If I just ask him could he just let me go and everybody can be happy?

" Really? Are you serious?"

" Dead serious."

" Can you-"

" That is if you do this one thing for me. Its really no big deal."

Honestly, if it meant leaving him and this disgusting place then I would do anything.

" Ok sure I guess. What is it?"

"Be my girlfriend."

WHAT?? This psycho wants me to be his girlfriend? There is no way in hell that I'm going to do that. But if I do he said he would let me go. However, there is no guarantee that he would do that. Should I take the chance of possibly getting freedom? Or should I stay here to rot away for the rest of my life?

"uuhhh... meaning?"

"Meaning that you have to go where ever I go and do whatever I tell you to."

" But that just contradicted what you said earlier about me having freedom."

"So? You want to be untied don't you?"



I can feel my limbs being untied from the bed stretching as I got up from where I was just being questioned. I left Jimin to go to my bedroom anywhere that wasn't with him was totally fine by me. Closing the door and laying on my bed I then realized the situation I just put myself in. How stupid could I possibly get? First the bathroom and now being Jimin's girlfriend? Well, today really isn't a good day for me.

~~The Next Day~~

I woke up to the sun shining through the curtains waking me up from my comfortable sleep. Looking to my side I realized that I wasn't the only one in my bedroom. Beside me I saw a peaceful Jimin. Wait...Jimin? What the hell is he doing in MY bed in MY room? I swear if he did anything I'm going to kill him. 

I quickly looked down finally relaxing because I wasn't in the nude. I mean do you blame me for worrying? Going back to the intruder in my bed I noticed he was letting out soft whimpers in his sleep. Is he having a nightmare? What do I do? Do I comfort him? Should I leave him the way he is? Fuck curse my niceness. 

I decided to comfort him. Scooting closer to him and cuddling up to his chest I hoped I was doing something right. When his breathing slowed and the whimpers subsided I figured that his nightmare stopped so I went back to my spot where I was previously. However before I could, there was an arm wrapping around my waist pulling me back to the now calmed chest. Not wanting to move because of drowsiness I stayed there listening to his slowly quickening heartbeat.

Is he awake? Should I say something? 


"Just wait, I want a little more of this"

I want food so bad. I don't remember the last time I ate something. But drowsiness taking over the hunger slowly building up inside of me I fell back asleep caged inside Jimin's arms pressed up against his chest.

Jimin's POV



That's all I could see around me. This can't be real.

I woke up from the nightmare covered in sweat breathing heavy. I looked at the clock, it read 2:00 A.M. Ugh, that's the second night in a row that I woke up like this. Seeking comfort I went to Y/N's room hoping somehow no matter how slim the chance, that she would comfort me. 

I reached her bedroom and hesitantly went in. I noticed her sleeping form she looks so beautiful when shes sleeping too. I finally got in the bed and layed down next to her finally going back to sleep.




Why can't this stop? I can't calm myself down. That is until I feel her arms wrap around me with her head pressed against my chest. Is this really happening? I've dreamed about this so many times but the dreams will never compare to the real thing ever. Taking bliss in my euphoria I felt her start to pull away. Being the greedy guy that I am, I pull her back to me feeling over joyed being woken up like this.


Her voice sounds a little different, she probably woke up recently.

"Just wait, I want a little more of this."

Why can't she always be like this? Why can't we always be like this?




A/N: Hiii so, after days of procrastinating I finally wrote this I hope you're happy. It's also a little longer than usual so I hope you enjoy. This GIF of Jimin literally kills me every time by the way. Byee~

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