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I heard him call my name, my blood starting to run cold. Why is he here? He's the only person I didn't want to be with me in the worst moment of my life. I care too much about his well being for him to be here.


"Are you stupid? What are you doing here? You know the risk of being here. Jimin is going to be back any minute now."

"I came to get you. Its bad enough that I didn't know where you were the past week. But on top of that its Jimin who took you. That by itself should be a problem."

"Just leave already I don't care I would rather still be in this hell than for you to get hurt or worse."

I could feel the tears stinging my eyes threatening to spill over onto my damaged cheek. Then slowly I could feel the sobs taking over my body. I couldn't take it anymore all the emotions from this past week shooting out of me like an erupting volcano. I could hear J-Hope walking closer to me every step he took my cries getting louder fearing that he'll be caught by the demon that is Jimin. He finally reached my shaking form, only sympathy showing in his caring, chocolate eyes.

Suddenly, he reached his hand out to touch my cheek but before our skin could make even the slightest bit of contact there was a loud bang. It was him. I felt like I was going to pass out any second from both loss of liquids (lol sorry >__<) and my heart like a race horse against my rib cage. I quickly clamped my eyes shut fearful of the reality that I was not so suddenly facing. Jimin was standing at the doorway door slammed open practically off its hinges and let me just say he did Not seem at all happy.

I quickly snapped my eyes open fearful for J- Hope and the fact that after this he may not have a future. I saw an unconscious J-Hope laying lifeless on the ground.




A/N: Hope you all enjoy this chapter.Finally some plot next one should be soon. :) BYE ALL!!

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