Am I OK?

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It's morning.

I woke up to the dark window, crickets chirping outside it. Is it still night time? I look to the clock on the night table and inwardly groan at the fact that it's 3:00 am. Waking up a little bit more, I finally remember the events I had done just a few hours ago. Each scene flashing in my head while I try to decide wether I should regret my previous decisions or not. Rolling on my other side I see a body on the other side of the plush mattress, looking closely to see that it in fact is Jimin.

His oddly soft, delicate snores coming from his relaxed form. His hair layered gently over his eyes. Suddenly realizing that I've been staring at his face for too long, I lay back down. My mind shifting back to the thought of what Jimin and I did together earlier. Was that actually me who wanted that? Am I actually developing feelings for this guy or is it the fact that I'm starting to loose some of the sanity that I still have? Am I ok?

Feeling the other side of the bed start to shift I turn my head to see Jimin slowly starting to wake up. Being that it's still such an un humanly hour to still be awake I get a bit concerned. Realizing how much of a hypocrite I sound, I turn back around. Before I can continue lecturing my self, I feel arms wrap around my waist, and warm breath on the back of my neck. My body slowly stiffening both at the fear and surprise of him doing such a thing, not that it's the worst thing he's done.

"Y/N...I know you're awake"

Shit. Honestly it wasn't that hard to tell, but still. I turn around to look at him, his eyes slowly glazing over with drowsy ness.


Y/N really, that's the best thing you could come up with.

"Was I too rough on you? Are you okay?"

"Oh uh, yeah I'm okay"


"Y/N is there a reason that you just.. all of a know"

To be honest I myself don't even know.

"Jimin...I think I-"

I got cut off when his soft lips touched mine in the most gentle way possible, although you could tell he was trying to hold back just a little. His grip on my waist got tighter as the kiss continued. Suddenly he shifted me so I was now on top of him, now having kisses trickled down my neck and over my collar bones. We pull away, our breathes slightly heavier than normal. His grip on me getting less tight as I put my head down on his chest, my breath still trying to return to normal.

"Y/N I hope you know that from now on wether you like it or not you are mine and I am yours, and I will never let you go no matter how much you try to convince me otherwise."

Aw, well that's sweet...I think.

"I understand"

I cant believe I just got myself into this. First it was getting kept in his basement, then it was having sex with him, making out with him, confessing my "love" for him, and now we're in a relationship. That's just great. No really, it is. I mean, haven't you always wanted to be in a relationship with a complete and utter psychopath, because I know I have. Heck, next why don't I go out and have breakfast with a murderer, oh wait Jimin's a murderer as well, oops my bad. Again I ask, am I ok?

Obsession (Yandere Jimin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now