Chapter 2

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  On our way to visit the current Hokage, the man beside me got quite a few greetings from others, showing me how trusted he was. I fell a couple of times and now have a bruise where the man keeps catching me. As I hop up the last few stairs to the Hokage's room, the door burst's open.

  "Kakashi!!!!!! Why didn't you tell me we had a visitor!!" a women with big breasts and long blonde hair yells at the man beside me as she walks out the door. "For all you know, she is a spy!"

  "Sorry, Lady Tsunade," the man, who I guess is Kakashi, blushes a little and scratches the back of his head. 

  "With all due respect, ma'am, I was injured and Kakashi," I glance over at the guy, " didn't think I was well enough to come and see you," I say and bow in respect. I then turn to Kakashi. "Thank you very much for taking care of me in my time of need. I am very sorry I got you in trouble."

  Lady Tsunade gave me a curious glance. "I am sorry for my abrupt outburst. Kakashi and..." she stares at me hesitantly.

  "My name is Misaki Hana, ma'am," I tell her.

  "Misaki. Please come into my office. I have a few questions for you, Misaki," she walks back into the Hokage's room.

  I look at Kakashi. He gives me a closed eye grin and motions for me to go inside. I walk inside and Tsunade is slouching in a chair with a bottle of sake in her hand. 

  "So.. Misaki. Where are you from? And why are you here?" Lady Tsunade asks me, a hint of authority in her voice.

  "I'm from a small village in the Land of Water. I came to see if you could give me protection," I say. Tsunade clenches her fist and I know she is about to object.

  "Please! Before you say anything, just hear me out. I was ranked as a chuunin in my old village. I've heard rumors that you need ninja and I'm up for the job," I nervously run a hand though my hair. If Lady Tsunade rejects my offer, I could be back in the hands of those monsters.

  She silently thinks my offer over. "Okay," she says.

  I start to silently cheer. "Thank you so much, Ma'am!"

  "But, you will be in Kakashi's group until further notice! You may be a chuunin, but until I know I can trust you, this is how it will be," she squints her eyes at me. "Do you have a headband showing you are a ninja?" 

  I look at her, confused. Then I pat my head. I gasp. My headband isn't there. I turn to Kakashi. 

  "You didn't have one when I found you last night," he tells me.

  "I must have lost it running away from those traitors!" I yell in frustration. 

  "Don't worry about it. We can get you a new one, but it will show that you are a ninja from the Hidden Leaf Village," Tsunade tells me.

  "That's fine with me. I am part of this village now, aren't I?" I ask.

  "As long as all goes well, then yes, you are now considered a part of this village," she grins at me. 

  I frown as a thought crosses my mind. "Where will I be staying? I have no home here." 

  "Do you have any money?" Tsunade asks me. 

  I nod. "I don't know if it will be enough for an apartment though. I only have five hundred ryō."

  "The apartment beside mine is three hundred. I'll talk to the owner and see what I can do. Why don't you look around for awhile and I will come and get you later?" Kakashi tells me.

  I grin at him. "Thank you."

  He blushes a little and I wave as I wobble out the door on my crutches. 


(Naruto Fan Fiction) Misaki Hana (A Kakashi love story)Where stories live. Discover now