Chapter 11

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  I decided to stick with Kakashi and walked with him into the village. Jiraiya had said he was going to stay so I guess if anything comes up I can go to him. Kakashi and I walk together through the streets, stopping to look at stuff on display at the outdoor shops. Its been a while since I had time to do anything like this and I am loving every minute of it. 

  I am looking at a tight black top and skirt when Naruto and three other people walk through the gate. I wave at him and he and the others come over to talk to us. 

  "Hi Naruto! Did you just get back from your mission?" I ask him, glancing at the other three people. One of them looks about my age, maybe a little older. The other two look about Naruto's age.

  "Yeah! When did you and Kakashi-sensei get back?" he asks. I glance at Kakashi. 

  "About an hour ago," he answers Naruto, then he turns to me. "Misaki, you haven't met everyone yet, have you?" I shake my head. He turns to the others. 

  "I'm Sakura!" one of the younger ones introduces herself happily. She has short pink hair and a wide forehead.

  "And I'm Sai. Very nice to meet you," the other young one says a little to happily. He has short black hair and he is really pale. 

  "I'm Yamato," the older one comes up to shake my hand. He has short brown hair and scary looking almond shaped eyes. "You must be the newest member of Team Kakashi. Naruto has told us a lot about you."

  "Nice to meet you guys too!" I say, grinning. But I can't keep the grin up for long. "Kakashi, can I talk to you for a moment?"

  "Yeah sure," he says following me out of hearing distance of the others.

  "I think we should all go see Lady Tsunade about my special power. I think they all have a right to know what kind of danger I'm putting them in by staying here. Especially Naruto," I tell him.

  "I was just going to suggest that," he says, taking my hand. I smile up at him and we walk back over to where Naruto and the others are waiting patiently. 

  "You guys have to report in to Lady Tsunade still, right?" Kakashi asks them, letting go of my hand and putting his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

  "We were just going there," Sakura tells him, trying to hide her girly giggles.

  "Good cause we are going with y-" Kakashi gets out before Naruto cuts off his sentence.

  "What's so funny, Sakura?" he asks her suspiciously. I grin at him. I know why Sakura is giggling. I snuggle closer to Kakashi.

  "It's not funny! Actually, it's really sweet!" Sakura tells him, trying to calm down. I glance up at Kakashi's face. His face is turning red and he is scratching the back of his head while looking up at the sky. Sakura see's this and giggles more.

  "What are you talking about Sakura?" Naruto asks her, still oblivious. 

  "Oh, I see," Yamato says, grinning at Kakashi.

  "What?! What do you see?!" Naruto asks him, getting annoyed cause he still can't figure it out.

  "Never mind, Naruto. I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually," Kakashi tells him, finally getting his emotions back under control.

  "I don't understand either," Sai says, looking just as confused as Naruto.

  I smile. "I'll explain it to you guys later," I chuckle. We walk to the Hokage's office, Naruto and Sai quiet in thought. When we go inside, Tsunade is sitting in her chair with paperwork everywhere on the desk in front of her. She glances up. 

  I walk over and stand in front of her. "Lady Tsunade, I think that Naruto and everyone else gathered here has a right to know what happened this afternoon," I tell her, my voice shaking. 

  She sighs wearily. "Very well. Tell them everything." 

  Kakashi and I turn to the rest of our group and tell them the events that happened when we returned to the village.

  "Wait a minute," Naruto says after we finish. "Do you mean that Misaki is like me?" he asks.

  "We don't know for sure yet. But she can sense who has a tailed demon locked inside them. She knew you were one from the very beginning," Kakashi tells him.

  "I am so sorry I got you guys and the rest of the Leaf Village caught up in this. Because of me, you're all in danger," I say. Kakashi wipes a tear from my face I didn't even know was there. I burying my face into his flak jacket.

  "Don't be sorry. Everyone here was in danger anyway. They already know I'm here. Actually, with you here we may stand more of a chance against them," Naruto tells me, his voice serious. I glance up and see a part of Naruto I've never seen before. He looks so determind and serious.

  I smile at him. He grins back at me. 

  "Now that that is over, I forgot to give Kakashi and you pay for the mission," Tsunade says, putting a small bag of money on her desk. Kakashi walks over to her and takes it, putting it away in a pouch.


(Naruto Fan Fiction) Misaki Hana (A Kakashi love story)Where stories live. Discover now