Chapter 7

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  I wake up the next morning lying by the fire, a blanket on top of me. Kakashi is still standing at the edge of the camp, wide awake. I silently scold him for not waking me up to take my turn to watch over the camp. Then again, he probably thought I would smack him again. I frown slightly. I should go and apologize.

  I look over and make sure Hideki is still asleep, then I stand up as quietly as humanly possible. I silently walk over to Kakashi, wincing when I see the hurt on his face. He notices me and then the look is gone, like it was never there. I look down at my feet, hoping what I say next doesn't come out wrong.

  "Kakashi," I stop for a minute and take a deep breath. "I'm sorry. For hitting you, I mean. I acted rash. I'm not even sure why I-" I get out before cuts me off by putting his finger over my lips. My cheeks grow red.

  "Don't appologize. You were angry. I understand. I'm sorry for making you angry," he says, removing his finger. He smiles at me, but behind that smile, he looks sad. I reach up and touch his cheek, wanting to remove his sadness. Suddenly, I hear someone clear their throat behind us. I quickly snatch my hand away and look up to see Hideki standing beside us. 

  "I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" he asks, a sneer on his face. Kakashi and I both shake our heads. "Good," he says, grabbing my hand and pulling me away. Kakashi pickes up the supplies he brought with him and follows us, leaving more distance between us than I prefer. 

  After a few hours of walking, my stomach starts to growl. I remember that I haven't eaten anything since the day before yesturday. "Let's stop for lunch," Kakashi instructs.

  We stop and find a nice shady tree to rest under. Kakashi makes a small fire and boils water for ramen. As soon as its finished and he hands me a pair of chopsticks, I dig in. I finish it in a matter of minutes. 

  "I'm gonna go for a walk," I tell Hideki and Kakashi. Kakashi nods as he continues to eat his ramen.

  I get up and walk through the forest. A small rabbit hops past and I watch it jump into some bushes. After a while, I head back. When I am almost back to the tree, I hear someone cry out. I run as fast as I can and see a man dressed in a black coat with red clouds. It is Itachi and he is holding Kakashi by his neck, cutting off his air. 

  I run to his defense. I make a few hand signs and yell, "Fire style! Fireball Jutsu!" I put a hand to my mouth and blow a giant ball of fire towards the man. He drops Kakashi and dodges the attack easily. Kakashi sits up, sputtering and gulping air, the fireball missing him completely.

  I run for the man, planning to use my Taijutsu. He catches my hands before I can attack and throws me backwards. I quickly stand back up and run at him, making more hand signs. "Chidori!" I yell. Kakashi looks at me with wide eyes as a ball of lightning appears in my hand and I hit Itachi in the stomach.

  He bends over and starts throwing up, giving me enough time to go and grab Hideki's hand and pull him quickly away, Kakashi close behind me.

(Naruto Fan Fiction) Misaki Hana (A Kakashi love story)Where stories live. Discover now