Chapter 18

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  I wait quietly just outside the gates of Konoha for my companions. I know that it won't be anyone I've ever met before because everyone I know is in the hospital or missing. I don't have to wait very long until a man smoking a cigarette and three other ninja about Naruto's age show up. One of them has a dog, one of them looks like a snob, and the other one just looks lazy.

  "Are you Misaki?" the man smoking the cigarette asks me. I nod. "I'm Asuma. This is Shikamaru," he points to the lazy one, "Ino," he points to the snobby girl, "and Kiba who will be filling in for Choji," he points to the boy with the dog. 

  "Nice to meet you," I bow slightly, greeting them. "I guess Tsunade told you the plan?" I ask them. They all nod.

  "Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Asuma asks me. 

  "Asuma.. Do you have a person you really love?" I ask him, turning away to hide my expression. He nods, a small blush on his face. "If you were in my shoes, and the person you loved was captured by the Akatsuke, then wouldn't you do anything to save them? Even if it meant you would be killed?" I ask him. He nods, a look of understanding on his face.

  Shikamaru puts a hand on my shoulder. "How do you think Kakashi will react when he figures out what your doing? Won't he try to do the same thing?" he asks me. 

  "That's what I have you guys for," I shake his hand off and face them again. "It doesn't matter how much either of them struggle to get back to me, you have to make them leave. Please," by this time I'm practically begging. They all nod. "Thank you," I say as we begin hopping through the tree's, Kiba in the lead.

  My skin glows purple for a moment and I know we don't have a lot of time left. My instincts tell me they are about to start to extract the nine tails from Naruto. I catch up to Kiba and make them all stop.

  "I'm going on ahead. Please get there as quickly as you possibly can," I say, my skin begging to glow purple.

  "How will you know where to go? And how will you get there any faster than us?" Ino asks me. I look at her with black eyes, already begging to transform.

  "I see.. Please be careful and don't do anything rash before we get there," Asuma tells me. I nod and then howl as chakra covers my body and I turn into a purple wolf. They all gasp and I run off into the trees, gaining speed. I should be there in a matter of minutes.

(Naruto Fan Fiction) Misaki Hana (A Kakashi love story)Where stories live. Discover now