☾He announces your dating on a live ☾

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Jonah -  Jonah was currently doing a live. He was back in Minnesota, with his family and brought you along as well.You went out shopping with his mom and little sister. Jonah was currently sitting on the sofa answering questions.

Not a moment later his mom came in with a handful of shopping bags. "Jonah please could you help us" His mum screamed from the other side of the house. Jonah rushed to help with his phone. He grabbed a bunch of bags with one hand and took them inside. His muscles now flexing. 

Not a while later you came in through the door with Esther looking very exhausted. She ran over to her older brother and hugged him. He turned his head to you and smiled. You returned the gesture with a lazy smile. 

"Guys, so my sister, mom and girlfriend are back from doing their shopping. I want you guys to meet Y/N. She's probably one of the best things that have happened to me" Jonah said to the live while getting closer to you. 

His mom stood from afar and admired the both of you. After you helped his mom you joined Jonah on the live. Esther also joined you and she was rambling on about the cute things you and Ether did together. 

Corbyn - You were currently sitting down on the sidelines, watching the boys getting interviewed. "So boys, this is a more serious question. Is there anyone that has caught your eye?" James the interviewer asked. 

Jonah looked over at the boys and held contact with Corbyn. The interviewer caught Jonah and raised an eyebrow, looking at both Corbyn and Jonah. Corbyn blushed and ran a hand through his hair. " Well, Jonah looked at me 'cause I have a girlfriend" Corbyn said looking over at where you were sitting. 

Your eyes grew in realisation. When you caught him looking at you, you gave him a tight lipped smile. Corbyn grew worried thinking that you didn't want your relationship public but in reality you were still shocked that he announced it. 

"How long have you been together?" James questioned. "I have been with her for the past 6 months but before you go hating on me, I didn't announce it because I wanted to protects her from all the hate."

"Wow" Daniel exclaimed. "Damn, you love her don't you" Jonah said. "What? She's my girlfriend of course I love her and the fans have to know at some point, but now I can go on cute dates with her without being asked 'who is she?'"

The interview continued, James asking some more questions on your relationship. You just sat their smiling widely at him. Your day just got 100 times better. It was Corbyn's first time saying he loves you.

Zach -  You were out with Zach's family. You were having lunch, while Zach was on a live. Reese was sitting next to Zach, eating when she noticed that Zach was live. "Hello" Reese interrupted Zach. "Hey, I was talking" Zach whined. " sorry. Anyway were out for lunch"

Reese took the phone out of Zach's hand and started to talk to them. Zach turned around to you and looked at you. " I love your sister" you said. "and I love you Y/N" Zach whispered. "Here you go Zach" Reese said giving Zach's phone back.

Reese came over and sat next to you. Both of you started to have a cute conversation. " When we get home can we play hide n seek" Reese asked "Why not" you said to Reese smiling. "Zach you have the best girlfriend. Y/N said that she'll play hide-n-seek with me"Reese exclaimed.

Zach's eyes grew wide, since he was still live. He smiled awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, I know" The comments started blowing up with comments like 'OMG I knew it' 'OTP! OTP!' 'Put the camera on Y/N' . 

Zach turned his camera to you and held your hand. You could hear the fans screaming in your mind. "Well, here she is. Y/N. My girlfriend. The love of my life. I hope you guys can respect my her and please don't hate on her.

Daniel - "If the sky falls i'll catch it just to steal you a star" Daniel sung to his fans. You were on the other side of the couch watching him live. He looked at you and you turned away blushing.  He quickly turned back to his phone and continued singing.

Jack came downstairs and joined Daniel while you snuck away into the kitchen. You were drinking water when Daniel came and snaked his hands on your waist. You turned around smiling at him. "Hey babe, what you doing?" Daniel asked as his arms tighten. 

"Nothing much, I was wondering if you wanted to go out to the movies today." You asked putting your glass into the sink. " We can invite the boys as well. If you want" You continued. "Nah, I think just us is fine" He slowly released his grip and kissed your forehead. 

"I'm gonna go back to the live now" Daniel said and pecked your forehead again. You smiled in return and followed him to the couch, where the rest of the boys were. You sat down next to Christina on the floor a little away from the boys. Christina came over to visit Corbyn since they hadn't seen each other in forever. 

"Hey Y/N" Christina greeted. "Hello" you replied. Both of you sat there talking and catching up together. Daniel and Corbyn came over and joined your conversation while Zach, Jack and Jonah started to take over the live. 

Jack flipped the camera onto all of you since the fans were asking for Daniel and Zach. At the same time Jack flipped the camera Daniel kissed you on the lips. Jack stood their wide eyes and Jonah coughed, all of you turned your head and saw the phone. Daniel played it of and said 

"This is my beautiful girlfriend Y/N. We've been dating for 6 months now and before you go and judge her you guys should meet her" Jack ended the live very soon afterwards. 

Jack - Zach and Daniel was currently on Instagram live. You and Jack were having a pick - up line battle. " Do you have a band-aid?, because I scraped my knee falling for you" Jack said "Roses are red and violets are blue there's nothing in the world more cuter than you" you said back smiling widely.

"Seriously, guys" Zach asked. "Oh, I have one for you" you said to Zach "Let me hear it"Zach replied. "Are you a potato? because you look like one" You told Zach, Daniel, Jack and you started to laugh while Zach sat there with a frown on his face. 

"You guys are bullies" Zach said while letting out a huff. This made you guys laugh harder, soon Zach joined in with you. Once you guys calmed down, you sat over next to Jack. "I think I won" Jack said. "No, I did" You said back.

Both of you had a staring contest, arguing back and forth who won. "Geez, stop fighting love birds." Zach said while turned to look at you and Jack. " Yeah, but I have to admit that their cute together, Like relationships goals much"

The comments in the live started to blow up. Jack looked at you then back to the boys, The boys soon realised what they said. Jack kissed you passionately to confirm you two are dating. "EW" Zach screamed. "MY VIRGIN EYES" Daniel screamed while running around covering his eyes. 

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