☁︎ I love you - Zach Herron ☁︎

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He looked at me. His brown hair was still a mess, and in the bright morning sunlight he looked more handsome than you'd ever seen him. Zach still had his eyes closed, but he was awake and melting into your touch. You were drawing random shape on his bare back and shoulders planting a kiss every now and then admiring him. Both of you haven't said ' I love you before' but you were planning to say it today, little did you know Zach was too. Zach opened his eyes and looked at you with warm, loving eyes. 

"Morning babe" you greeted with a light kiss.

"Morning" he replied with his raspy morning voice which you loved.

He hugged you and pulled you closer. Putting his head into your neck while planting light kisses. You slowly wrapped your arms around him cuddling him. 

"What are your plans for today?" You asked Zach 

"I don't have much on today except for that photoshoot with the boys" Zach said while looking at you and giving you a smile.

"When is that photoshoot?" You asked pretending to be curious, already knowing the answer 

Zach replied "It is at 9am" 

You start giggling and looked down at Zach. Zach looked at you confused until you pointed to the alarm clock on you bedside table. The clock shone the time 8:32. Zach quickly jumped up, running here and there trying to put on some decent clothing. You just laid in bed watching him trying to put everything on. You get up from bed going into the bathroom trying to look decent just in case on the guys walked in. Not a few moments later Corbyn walked in.

"Zach, you ready?" Corbyn asked, slightly shaking his head when he sees Zach struggling to put on his shoes. 

"Yeah just a sec" Zach finally said checking himself out in the mirror. 

Corbyn just laughed and walked out of the room. 

"You got 5 minutes buddy" Corbyn shouted.

Zach quickly brushed his teeth and his hair. Rushing downstairs to where all the boys were, you following. They were all getting out the door once Zach was downstairs. 

"Glad you could join us Zach" Corbyn said smiling. 

Zach gave a small smile quickly turning it to a glare. The rest of the boys saw and started to laugh at them with you joining them. All of the boys were getting into the car but Zach stopped in his tracks, turned and jogged lightly back to where you were standing by the door. He looked into your eyes and quickly kissed you goodbye.

"I'll text you soon" he screamed

"Zach your going to be late if you keep on talkin'" you shouted back

He just gave his signature smile and hopped in the car.

--(Time Skip)--

You were currently waiting for Zach as you two were going out for lunch. The rest of the boys were to tired to join so they just asked you to pick something up for them. Zach finally came into Chipotle and sat down with you. 

"I already ordered so we would have to wait long. I was also thinking that we should order the guys after so it would be easier" He told you 

"I'm fine with that" you say.

Your order got called and Zach picked it up for you bringing it to you. Zach had swapped your orders so you get the spicy one, on purpose.

"Seriously Zach, you had to go order the spicy one"

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking"

You huffed and went to put it in your mouth, but then you quickly put it down and groaned in frustration. Zach looked over and laughed at you. You just rolled your eyes and poked your tongue out at him. 

"Here let me taste it and see if it is spicy." Zach told you  

"Be my guest" You said giving him a weird hand gesture.

Zach leaded over the table and instead of tasting the food, he kissed you. He quickly pulled away and sat back down. 

"Damn, Y/N. You were right it was hot but not hotter than you" Zach joked

You start laughing and shook your head at him. Zach grabbed his lunch and swapped it with yours.

"Why'd you swap it" You asked confused

"Because, I just needed an excuse to kiss you." He said laughing 

After you guys at you returned home with food for the guys. All of them attacking you once you got there. You and Zach decide to watch some Stranger Things. He opens his laptop and gets comfy. You soon joining him. 

"Y/N, I love you" Zach says looking at you 

You don't respond just look at him. 

"It's okay, you don't have to say I love you ba-" He gets cut of by your lips

You two share a passionate kiss. A one were fireworks explode, sparks were flying. You simply melt in his touch. This kiss was just like your first.

"I love you too"

A/N I live in Australia so i really don't know how chipotle works sorry. 

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