You know a different language

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Daniel - Daniel and you were in the city of Paris exploring. Daniel's manager said that they were going to travel to Europe and Daniel decided for you to tag along. So now the boys were resting, everyone being exhausted and feeling jet lagged.

Daniel being the little ball of energy wanted to go exploring at night even though he didn't know the place. So here you were, standing in the busy streets of Paris staring at the Eiffel tower from a distance. Daniel wanted to go closer so he dragged you. The crowd was still busy at night, but you still thought the city was amazing.

"Come on Y/N" Daniel said getting all eager. You started shaking your head and laughing,"I'm coming, I'm coming" you said looking over at his excited face. "You walk to slow, babe." As soon as Daniel said that, two strong arms lifted you up and carried you bridal style towards the Eiffel Tower. You started giggling and stared and him, kissing his cheek.

Once you got close to the Tower, Daniel stared up at awe. "Look Y/N" Daniel said looking down at you. "Daniel put me do- Wow" your thoughts cut of when you saw the tower all bright and filled with lights. Daniel slowly put you down and then kissed you softly.

Both of you walked around hand in hand after a while. Most of the shops were closed and the busy streets started to quieten down a little. It was midnight now. "Danny, babe. We need to go back to the hotel now" you whispered. "Yeah we do" Daniel turned around. You guys walked to the end of the street.

"Y/N. I don't know where we are" Daniel whispered. Panic evident in his eyes. You rubbed you hand up and down his arm." Babe calm down." He looked over at you and started to take deep breaths in and out. You smiled at him and scanned your eyes over the street. You saw an elderly couple and walked towards them with Daniel.

"Bonjour, Monsieur" You said. "Bonjour" the old woman said. "désolé de vous déranger, mais nous sommes perdus (Sorry to disturb you but we are lost)" You started you say in french. Daniel stood there saying nothing and watching you communicate with the old couple. "Merci pour votre temps. Passe une bonne nuit. (Thank you for your time. Have a lovely night)" you said to them.

You followed the direction the gave you and reached the hotel. "Babe you never told me that you spoke French" Daniel said to giving you a questioning look. "I guess you never asked" you replied. Both of you went to bed. The next morning Daniel heard banging on the door and woke up, being careful not to wake you. The boys invited themselves in and sat down on the chairs and sofa.

"Get dressed were going down for breakfast. " Jack said looking at Daniel. "Where's Y/N?" Jonah questioned. "Still sleeping" Zach said before Daniel could answer, the guys all turned to look over at the bed where you slept, peacefully. "Let's go to get breakfast and bring Y/N something back."Corbyn said. The guys nodded not wanting to disturb you. Daniel looked over at you and smiled agreeing as well.

He came over and kissed your forehead. "Did you know Y/N, could speak French?" Daniel questioned grabbing a shirt. The guys seemed shocked at the statement. "Yeah that's right..." Daniel continued to talk, while walking out of the room. Telling them all about last night.  

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Jack -  The boys were gone shopping since they needed to get some new clothes for their next interview, which was tomorrow. While the guys were shopping you stayed home since you hand some work to get done. You went to college at UCLA and you were studying for your finals. 

You grandma lived in Spain, so you rarely got to see or talk to her. When you grandma called you were surprised. You excitedly took the call and started to catch up with your grandma. "Hola abuela. no hemos hablado en tanto tiempo. (Hello, grandma. we haven't talked in so long.)" You greeted her and talked to her like you saw her yesterday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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