Billy and Georgie

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Georgie stumbled inside his room, slamming the door shut quickly. He waited by the door until he heard the footsteps grow closer.. Georgie inhaled deeply and held his breath trying to steady his beating heart as he felt some pressure of weight lean against his door frame...

After a few moments he heard the perpetrators footsteps retreat somewhere else down the hall and Georgie could finally breathe again.

"That was close." Georgie whispered to himself.

Suddenly the door was thrown open revealing Billy standing in the doorway triumphantly.

"F- found you!" Billy exclaimed.

Georgie squealed and ran across the room giggling as Billy chased after him laughing evilly.

"Aha! G-gotcha!" Billy chuckled as he scooped up his younger brother in his arms.

"Haha no Billy! Stop! Hahaha!" Georgie wheezed, trying to attain some air into his lungs.

"S- stop what G-Georgie? Do you mean this?" Billy asked mockingly as he tickled Georgie's ribs.

"Y-yes!! Hahaha!" Georgie screamed.

The two brothers Billy and Georgie laughed uncontrollability as they both fell on top of Georgie's bed. They playfully punched each others arms as one would occasionally try to tickle the other when one was trying to leave. And they both smirked and giggled when they heard their mother call them to "calm down".

It was mornings like these which were the most special to Georgie, because most of the time the boys were either at school, or Billy was too busy with his other friends to make time for Georgie. It was one of those rare happy moments that keeps itself buried in your mind for days, and honestly.. That was ok with Georgie.

Billy laughed again when Georgie blew a raspberry at him and smiled with amusement in his eyes.

Billy loved watching Georgie having fun, especially when he was a part of it. Billy knew that Georgie missed him whenever he left and he always felt terrible about it, but he didn't want Georgie to get hurt at the Barrens or get bullied by the Bowers, he was only trying to look out for him. Luckily though, there were mornings like these where he could save up for lost time and hang out with Georgie.

But unfortunately he had to go out today, Richie and Eddie apparently found something interesting in the sewers and they wanted him to check it out as well.

"Ok, ok haha! Stop, I h-have to go now." Billy shushed Georgie, holding his hands down so he wouldn't try tickling him again.

"But Bill.. you're always out.." Georgie pouted.

"Sorry Ge-Georgie. The guys found so-something a-and they wanted me t-there." Billy explained sadly. "I p-promise we'll hang out later.. And w-we can even watch your f-favorite movie with some popcorn ok?"

Georgie sighed and agreed a little upset knowing that Billy will probably be out for a while.

He almost wanted to ask if he could come with him to see his friends, but he's tried asking before and he's always gotten the same answer, "no". So there was no point trying..

"Good. I'll get t-the popcorn l-later." Billy promised as he stood up and walked towards the door.

"By the way, t-theres some t-twinkies in the fridge if y-you want s-some." Billy added, waving goodbye one last time as he walked downstairs and out the front door.

Georgie sat silently as he heard Billy leave and stared at his Lego turtle on his bedside cabinet, huffing disappointedly.

Georgie hated Being alone all the time, especially when it was the weekend when mum and dad were out to negotiate with other parents at the PTA, and his only other friends were Billy's friends that he hardly got to see anymore..

He just wished that he had someone here so that they could talk and go outside or play or do something... But he couldn't.. His had no other friends, and his best friend just left the house.

Georgie sighed and stepped off of his bed, and paced around his room thinking on what he wanted to do.. He didn't want to stay here all day, bored.  And he definitely didn't want to be alone..

 Georgie sighed as he walked out of his room and headed to the one place he knew he wasn't allowed to go but had to go..

He's going to the Barrens..


Thanks for reading guys! Let me know what you think? And don't be shy to give me pointers! Cheers!

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