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Georgie beamed happily as he ran along the path towards Beverly's house, he couldn't wait to see her again, Beverly was so nice with Georgie, and he loved how her tangerine hair was so bright and different from any other girl.

It was like a big, hairy pumpkin! Georgie giggled to himself as he imagined Billy with a pumpkin on his head.

"Come on Bill, hurry up!" Georgie shouted at Billy enthusiastically. "You don't want to be late for Beverly do you?" Georgie giggled.

Billy, who was following behind Georgie looked up drowsily and yawned. He was super tired today because Georgie woke him up at 7am just so they could see Beverly and go to the Derry funfair together.

It was a great idea Billy admitted, but he just didn't see why they had to go out so early.

"Hey G-Georgie, why are we out s-s-so early?" Billy asked tiredly

Georgie paused and looked at Billy thoughtfully. " I thought you would've liked to see Beverly?" Georgie asked sweetly.

Billy blushed and huffed out a response quietly. "I wo-would like to s-see her Georgie but it's r-r-really early don't y-you think?"

Georgie frowned slightly and looked at his surroundings, it was a little dark he noticed and Billy looked like he was shaking.

Georgie smiled sheepishly and walked over to Billy, cuddling his arm to try give him some warmth.

"I'm sorry Billy, but we're almost there! And Beverly was really excited too!" Georgie said.

Billy looked down at Georgie and smiled half heartedly, wanting to say that Beverly wouldn't even be up or that he was too tired to go anywhere but.. seeing Georgie so excited was such a contagious sight and he couldn't help but smile brightly.

"Ok, but if s-she asks, this w-was your idea!" Billy chuckled.

"What was his idea?"

Georgie and Billy quickly turned their heads and looked up surprised from the sudden interference.

"Beverly!" Georgie shouted as he bolted towards Beverly's open arms gleefully.

"Hey George! It's so nice to see you!" Beverly giggled.

Georgie smiled and hugged Beverly's waist tightly, Beverly just giggled and looked over at Billy who was staring nervously.

"Hey, don't give the cold shoulder Bill. Why so serious?" Beverly teased.

"I'm n-not, just t-t-tired." Billy replied sheepishly, chuckling.

Georgie then let go of Beverly and quickly walked over to his older brother tapping his shoulder profoundly.

"Billy can we go to the funfair now?" He asked impatiently.

"S-sure, just hold m-my hand ok?" Billy replied as he stretched out his arm towards Georgie.

Georgie huffed and agreed as he took hold of his brother's hands and walked slowly across the road.

Beverly smiled as she watched the two siblings walk together, sneakily grabbing Billy's free hand squeezing it affectionately.

Billy blushed but smiled with the same amount of affection and squeezed back...

Georgie didn't see but he didn't need to, he already felt their bound grow in that small moment and he smiled, glad to see his older brother happy.

This will be a great day


Thanks for reading bros! I hope you enjoyed it! Cheers! 

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