Into the Deep

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The dark tunnel of Derry sewers sat ominously as the losers club gathered around the entrance silently. Billy and Richie were the first to peek inside and Billy cringed slightly from the rotting smell of trash and manure. Eddie, Stan, Bev, Mike and Ben stood behind the two boys and looked at the rusty hole uncertainty.

"I-I can't!" Eddie exclaimed. "My mom will have an aneurysm, I swear to God guys!" Eddie huffed as he pushed his inhaler in his mouth shakily.

"Yeah! Why are we even here anyway?" Stanley asked.

Billy glanced at all his friends hesitantly and opened his mouth to explain, but found himself lost for words. He didn't want to say that they were going to look for a possibly imaginary clown. It was weird and really unrealistic..

"Georgie thinks there's a clown in the sewers and Billy wants to prove him wrong basically." Richie said sarcastically.

"T-that's not the r-reason Richie!" Billy glared annoyed.

"What!?" Eddie screeched. "N-no! No way! I'm not going in there!"

"I agree with Eddie, Bill.. There's no way there's an actual clown down there." Mike spoke softly.

All the losers suddenly glanced back at the sewer and stood quietly except for Eddie who was hyperventilating.

"I.. I just want t-to ch-check.." Billy murmured embarrassedly.

"Check for what? Some imaginary clown dude who hangs around with Georgie?" Richie tsked impatiently. "Did you forget that your brother is 6 years old!? He's probably lying for attention!" Richie proclaimed.

Billy scowled at Richie and shook his head thoughtfully. "Guh-Georgie never usually l-lies though.. And he's n-not an attention s-seeker."

"Unlike you Richie." Eddie added sarcastically.

Richie rolled his eyes and turned to Bill defiantly as he sighed.

"So Billy. We going in or what?" Richie asked nudging Billy's elbow.

Billy turned towards his friends who were waiting patiently and quickly swallowed nervously.

"W-we sh-should probably go in n-now.. Anyone want to s-stay here a-and keep watch?"

Immediately everyone except Beverly raised their hand as she glanced at the rest momentarily unimpressed. Ben was the first to put his hand down once he saw Beverly being brave. Eddie was very reluctant as he slowly dropped his hand defeatedly as well as the others...


Quickly the losers club began to splash through the sickly tunnel and draw out their flashlights that they had brought from Billy's house.

"B-be careful guys, the waters s-slippery." Billy said as he led the group further down the pathway.. He really hoped Georgie had stayed home this time, he couldn't handle more stress right now.


Georgie watched as his brother and his friends disappeared into the sewer and waited a few minutes until the constant splashing of feet became silent. Carefully he slipped down from his hiding place and crunched against the sand as he walked towards the gaping tunnel.

As he stared down the into the sewers he unconsciously began to rub his elbow as a need of comfort and sighed softly.

He needs to know if Billy is ok.. Something just didn't feel right when Billy left this morning without saying goodbye.

Where are they going?


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