Chapter 9

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So here's something you might not know. Someone in this chapter will tell you, that New York's actually one big game board and... well, best if you read yourselves! Any quick guesses on who that certain someone is?  ;-)



Chapter 9

Everything moved too fast, colors too dark with the weight of auratic sight and the vague sensation of Vladislav's presence impeding my sense of orientation. Adrenaline kicked in, forcing motions that didn't even seem to be my own.

Mid-air I opened my palm, calling for magic and sent a blast of compressed air backwards blindly. The hold of my attacker loosened and I tore away, skidding forward with the momentum, as if sliding on ice. I didn't turn back or move, but called for my element, manipulating the air in front of me.

The vamp was faster than I could ever be, even with my magic. But maybe I could fool him into thinking, I believed I could.

The side street I was in was actually a one-way-street – narrow, crammed space with a line of parked cars and dumpsters that didn't leave much room for maneuvering. The vamp was right behind me, approaching with the speed of a bullet train.

I was too slow, dammit.

My eyes connected two spots on the rooftops about ten feet away from me. I ran past them and turned, halting. A blur of motion was coming my way.

Magic burned through my veins as I lifted my hand, drawing a window-shaped sign on the air. The air between the two rooftops shimmered and caught fire, leaving him trapped on the other half of the street.

Hopefully this would buy me enough time to open a portal and-

I stilled. A glimpse, a small detail had caught in my eye instants before the window of fire closed completely. A mane of red hair and butterscotch eyes in a ghostly white face. It was-

Alexander's enforcer, George.

I stilled. He'd been chasing after me.

If the head vampire's enforcer was here, it might mean that Alexander wasn't far either.

I erected walls of air, scanning my surroundings in second sight.

More. There was at least one more vamp in the vicinity.

Dammit. I had to move fast.

No matter how many vamps were out there to get me, there was only one exit strategy I had anyway: Get far enough away to open a portal before they could get to me.

I raised my palm, staring at the cuff. I'd restored parts of the magic I used before and magically recharged the cuff, but it wasn't enough, by far. Dark magic reared its head, looming over me like a shadow – secondary only to the one Vladislav's presence caused.

And I was not going to use it.

I started running, breaking away blindly and without any concept or elaborate plan other than getting away far enough to open a portal. It would have to be enough. For now.

I tackled the next two streets, moving through the empty walkway at a full run. The brick walls seemed to fly past in a blur, leading me away from the Fade pack's territory. I stopped before the next intersection, hiding behind two graffiti-smeared dumpsters, and pulled out my pendant.

"What exactly do you think you are doing?"

The voice seemed to come out of nowhere. Its familiarity knocked me out of my equilibrium and right into a frenzied heartbeat.

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