Chapter 35

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I was out of town for a few days, but I managed to squeeze in some time for writing and post this short chapter today. I hope you like it! :-)



Chapter 35

"Vampirism cancels out magic, we all know that," I said.

Giuliana stepped forward. "Anna, we have all seen it. We saw what you did in the fight with Heléna Bahtoryn. You are a Pentagram turned vampire. Whatever rules might have been valid for a mere witch, they are not and never valid for you."

"But that's ridiculous. There's no way in hell I could still wield magic. I can barely-"

Yeah, probably not a good time to mention that you're not sure you're not going to go for their jugular within the next half hour.

"In his 'Theories on Ancient Witchcraft', Brenson mentions the case of one Pentagram that was turned vampire and ostensibly could still wield magic. He speculates that vampirism is different for someone able to wield all elements. He argued that the connection was not severed fully through the transformation," Giuliana said.

"What's more, you've been turned by Alexander, not exactly what you'd call a nobody in this city. That makes you a wild card," Andy said.

Not only Alexander. If Zack was to be believed, I was turned by Alexander and Vladislav. Did the Circle and the Vampire League know that? Was that the real reason they wanted to check on me?

"What would happen if they found out I was more?"

"They never will," Giuliana said. "But we believe they would have taken you with them."

"The Circle?"

Andy's eyes were grave. "No, the Vampire League."

The Vampire League consisted of the oldest and highest ranking vampires in America. I remembered my clandestine visit to one of its meetings with Alexander and my run-ins with some of its members. Being in the hands of the Vampire League was equal to a death sentence.

"There's no way in hell we'd have let you stay with Alexander and just wait for them to come," Andy said.

"But, I mean, what now? You've got me out there, but that doesn't solve the problem. They're going to look for me. And you."

"Perhaps. But it won't matter," he said. "We're going to get you out of the city."

"You're coming with me. To Italy," Giuliana said.

* * *

Italy. The word stretched itself and lingered in my mind like a soft echo.

Italy might grant me the safety and anonymity I no longer had in New York City. Another page I could turn in my book and a place to start over. And still, it wasn't the solution. As long as I lived, breathing or not, I couldn't just turn my back on New York City and walk away.

Thoughts were racing through my mind in quick-beat-staccato. Whatever our history, whatever Alexander thought of me, there was no way he would have just waited for the Circle and the Vampire League to come and, perhaps, take me away. Or worse.

No. Knowing Alexander he had an ace up the hole, or at least something that had tied his hand. My stomach shuddered with pain, another wave of hunger that shook my system.

I stilled.

What if Alexander had deliberately kept my blood supply low? Was that his gamble? Was that how he wanted to make sure that I – former Pentagram – wouldn't be seen as a threat by the Circle or the Vampire League?

No matter what, this was my city. Whoever, no, whatever I was now as a vampire, I couldn't turn my back on it.

I scanned the street for any signs of disturbance. What was happening in this city?

I turned to Giuliana. "What happened while I was out of it? Where's Vladislav?"

"He's gone. At least for now," she said.

Andy folded his arms in front of him. "Dark Death practically walked him out after your duel with Heléna Bathoryn. And I say thank the great three witches to that."

"And he just let them?" I stared at Andy in incredulity.

"Yeah well, he didn't look happy about it. Then again, I don't think Vladislav does 'happy'."

No no no. Wrong. Just wrong. Whatever I had learned about Vladislav in those few instants I'd been closer to him than I wanted, him just leaving the city without getting what he wanted was out of the question.

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