Chapter 6

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This week I have two questions for you. One, why didn't Alexander help Andy and Giuliana? Two, if you were Anna, how would you stop Vladislav? Let me know! :-)



Chapter 6

My breathing echoed through the cavern-like entrance to the tunnel system like the rattling of a snoring giant. The floor was cold under my fingers, the wall like a cold blanket covering my back – small sensations that were rooting me to reality.

Shifting my position, I turned and gingerly leaned my shoulder against the wall. I sucked in a breath.

The great three witches help me, that hurt!

When I raced through the Death Squad's partly erected wall of fire, parts of my shoulder got burned. I took another deep breath, trying to breathe through the pain. I had to move, keep on going.

Even if the members of the Death Squad didn't "see" me enter the tunnel system, they had been close on my heels, running right behind me. It was only a matter of time until they found me, even with the invisibility spell I used. Maintaining it was hard enough, as it was.

I tried to get up and leave from the spot I collapsed at. My vision started spinning, colors turning like patterns in a kaleidoscope. I lowered myself back to the floor, breathing in and out.

Just another minute. Just one more.

A sound trickled through the cavern.

I shot up, clutching the wall, and turned towards the entrance.


I stared. Giuliana and Andy moved into the cavern, eerily in sync, as if they had been partnered up a long time ago. My godmother rushed to me, hands touching first my face, then my shoulders.

I winced and drew back.

"Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" she said.

"What the, why are you here?" I stammered. "The Death Squad is-"

"We know," Andy said. "We distracted them, but they'll figure out we're here – it's just a matter of time. We have to get you away from here, fast." He turned, assessing the layout of the tunnel entrance we were in. "Is this what I think it is?"

I shook my head. "There's another way to get out. A faster one."

Giuliana lifted her head, looking around. "Where?"

"Do you know how to use a portal?" I said, pointing at my pendant.

Giuliana's head whipped back to me.

"Dio! Sempre lo stesso," she exclaimed, before she wrapped her fingers around the necklace and grabbed Andy's hand. "You owe me an explanation, and a five-star wellness weekend."

Before I could thank her, or protest for that matter, she opened the portal and we were sucked into the violent waters of the in-between.

* * *

The light in the hotel room was bright, hurting my eyes. Giuliana had put up at a mediocre three-star-hotel, but the room was clean and carried the distinctive scent of carpet cleaner and freshly laundered towels. To me, it felt like heaven.

We'd all come out of the violent travel through the portal Giuliana set up, but apparently I passed out after we arrived at the hotel. They'd taken turns watching over me and let me sleep until now. Thanks to that we lost at least six hours.

Walk Into The Light - Shadows of the Night 6Where stories live. Discover now