Chapter 22

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I'm back. To all of you who didn't get my message, I was sick in bed for a few days and could do pretty much nothing... I'm trying to make it up to you with this chapter. I hope it will be as epic for you as it was for me. Oh and please don't forget to listen to the song! It's E.S. Posthumus - "Moonlight Sonata".

Thank you all for reading! :-)



Chapter 22

One second, one glimpse. That was all I was going to allow myself.

I found him, behind me, somewhere to my right, surrounded by black plumes of dark cloaks – auras that seemed to seep from other planes right into reality, devouring space and matter. Alexander was surrounded by members of Dark Death boxing him in, hands on his shoulders and hands. There were enough of them in one space to make my heart go still.

Alexander reared up, stepping forward, and I could finally see his face.

Our eyes connected and the moment stopped, seemed to move backward only to stretch into infinity. His face was frozen up in its usual blandness, but something in his eyes was in motion; deep blue currents caught up in a whirlwind.

Was there something he was trying to tell me? If he was, I couldn't decipher his gaze, couldn't read whatever encrypted language he chose to use. Perhaps there had been moments, looks and small fleeting instants, in which I thought I caught glimpses of a man I somehow understood, but most of the time I hadn't been able to read Alexander. He remained an enigma.

If I ever had words for him, in this moment they were lost on me, slipped through my fingers like the great sands of time. All that was left was silence. And death.

I couldn't stop what was coming, as much as I couldn't stop the grains of sand slipping, slipping through my hands.

Now or never.

I turned my head back to Bathoryn and Vladislav. My targets, my enemies and the reason why my parents died. The ancient vampire was responsible for Maria's and Blaze's death too, had crossed too many lines ever since he stepped into my life. No matter when exactly this cataclysm started or why, it was going to end this night.

Heléna had her hands outstretched, blades of fire at the tips of her fingers, as if she was about to use a small collection of burning throwing knifes. She flung her hands forward, hurtling them at me – not blades, but arrows of fire, and they were coming my way.

I lifted my hand palm up. Air particles knit together forming a strong wall of air. They hit it with a loud hiss I felt down to my bones, swallowed by my air magic.

Heléna Bathoryn scowled, palming more arrows of fire.

Maintaining the wall, I raised my head and took a deep breath. It was time.

* * *

The right pocket of my leather jacket was heavy. Elena Larosa's diary was still there. The knowledge I gained from it seemed to add weight to it, as if I was carrying a real, physical burden.

The scribbled writing in my ancestor's diary probably looked like the recorded rambling of a madwoman to Alexander, or anyone else who didn't know any better. In truth, it was much more than that. In her last days Elena Larosa discovered a secret a greater part of the Circle's elders were perhaps unaware of.

Spirit, the fifth element, was cast into damnation because according to the Circle it was power stolen, the magic too powerful and wild to control. Deadly not only because of its power, but because of what it did to the human body and mind.

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