Chapter 26

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I hope you had a great weekend! So Anna's back, the only questions left: How? And why can't she feel/use her magic? Fasten your seatbelts, answers are coming from Alexander himself! (Not in his POV, but well... I hope it's still a treat for you!)   :-)



Chapter 26


The room was an architectural contradiction. The blue velvet couch and the assortment of armchairs looked like splashes of dark, deep sea water, the floor lamps like big yellow halos of light. The lines of dark wooden bookshelves leaning against the wall hinted more at a literature professor's workplace rather than the head vampire's reception room.

As if all this was set for some sort of high-brow movie that might have been a blend of futuristic art and a flashback to the 1900s.

The three still life pictures on the wall opposite the couch depicted parts of a well-laid table whose details I was pretty familiar with by this point in time. Together with the golden goblet of wine, the ripe bunch of grapes gave it an air of decadence.

Even more dist–

From one moment to the other Alexander materialized in front of the couch, motions too fast for the human eye to see.

Rookie mistake, Varner.

I missed the exact moment he entered, my mind distracted by speculations, my senses too dulled by the long wait. Alexander looked his usual impeccable self, dressed in black slacks and a gray shirt. Perhaps that was a good sign.

"Good evening. My enforcer tells me you demand to speak to me."

The weight of his vampiric presence rolled over me, a silent "fuck you" as an afterthought in vampiric terms.

Giuliana stood up wordlessly, arms loose at her sides and hidden underneath the green depths of her cape-like coat.

"Where is she?" The words fell from her lips in a soft rush, her green eyes alit with an emotion I could well understand. Impatience was my new middle name.

Alexander sat down opposite of us, gracefully sinking into the velvet blue of the couch.

"Sit down, Giuliana," he said.

She didn't move. "Where is she? How is she? She is still alive, right?"

I fixed Alexander, watched his face, but detected no emotion.

"Yes and no."

Another fucking non-answer. I'd had too many of those recently.

I leaned forward. "What does that mean? Spell it the fuck out."

Giuliana sank to the couch with a soft gasp, shaking her head.

"You turned her, didn't you?" Her words a mere whisper, she lifted her head. "You bastard, you made her into a vampire!"

No. It can't be, I mean...

My eyes went back to the head vamp, watching him closely. Alexander didn't move, didn't blink, carrying a statuesque and statemanslike quality that made me want to punch him. This was not a fucking business meeting!

"Say something," I said.

My voice was running on iron and steel, its sound far from the calm detached monotone one should use as an investigating Force member. Fuck this. I wasn't here for the Force.

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