Chapter 27

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There's something that's been bothering me for a while: When I started writing and decided to make this story available on wattpad it was simply because I loved writing. I want it to stay that way. That's why I have to address this issue.

There are some readers on wattpad that constantly complain about chapter length - in a negative way. Even worse: some people keep posting comments about how they no longer like the story - which they are of course free to do, but the thing is: they keep saying they no longer like it and that they will stop reading and they do it in the comment section of seemingly EVERY new chapter that is posted, which I don't really get anyway. They mention me in comments or conversations with other readers in the comment section, calling me "this author" and if I'm honest, it does feel disrespectful and offending.

Don't get me wrong: I absolutely like to hear what my readers are thinking. Constructive criticism is very welcome. I can only get better as a writer by getting honest feedback from others. Your opintion as a reader is very important.Of course you can tell me that you will stop reading and you can tell me why - BUT: doing it once is enough.

Please do not forget: I'm human, I have a job and I do this for free. Sometimes I stay up late and end up not getting much sleep, just so I can finish another chapter for the next update. Can you imagine what it feels like to read these negative comments about my story and the chapter length after doing whatever I can just to keep up the schedule, every single week? It constantly creates negative feelings, when, in the beginning, writing was all about positive feelings and trying to get better at writing.

Of course this does not concern all users and I also get many encouraging comments from readers, who I want to thank at this point! It's just that I had to address this issue. I feel that as an author I have to remain "honest" and write down what I feel I need to say - be it a story or real life.

I hope you enjoy the new chapter! Let me know what you're thinking and have a great week!



Chapter 27

I looked back for a second – back to the room I hadn't left once since the night Alexander brought me here. Part of me wanted to stay in the cool blanket of silence and darkness it seemed to offer. The world had abandoned me, so why shouldn't I take a step away and let it spin around its axis without me?

Whatever happened in it, I hadn't cared. Not for these past few days or weeks. I still didn't care, but the fact that Alexander just walked into my room, talking to me like I was the idiot in a bad horror movie? I couldn't stomach that.

It doesn't matter. Nothing does. Go back in your room.

Opulent fleur-de-lis patterns seemingly winked at me, cool and smooth in that damned green tone that was probably meant to calm me. Perhaps Alexander brought all newly turned vamps in there.

The thought danced into my mind and stayed there like an itch I couldn't scratch or ignore. I grabbed the handle and closed the door slowly.

Sound seemed to explode from the small motion, rolling through the empty corridor like a melodic avalanche. I flinched. Back in the room I hadn't heard much except the sound of my own blood.

I was right. My room was soundproof. I wondered how many else in the building were.

The sharp swish of air displacement cut through the quiet in the corridor like a razor blade. Recognition set in the moment I turned and saw her. Seemingly too bright colors, too sharp angles and shapes attacked my senses, and for a moment I had to close my eyes, supporting myself against the door.

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