Chapter 7

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So I'm guessing that by now you've all seen the new cover for book six! My thanks go out to awesome NoelleElizabth, who offered to make the new cover (and who designed the rest of the covers as well...)! I absolutely love it!   :-)

As to the new chapter: things are getting under way... ;-)



Chapter 7

Andy leaned forward, studying the city map with a frown. "When we were in the Blue Room, Alexander said Vladislav preferred subduing his enemies without fighting himself. That might mean he's going to use others to do his work."

I stared at the map. New York City was a conglomeration of different ethnic groups and species, be they human or part of the supernatural community. There were enough underlying tensions and conflicts to make the city already divided, as it was. Vladislav was going to make use of that and play them against each other.

"We need the Circle and the humans to be prepared and we have to inform the shapeshifters. We have a better chance of stopping him, if all the factions in this city know about Vladislav's presence," Andy said.

Andy was right, but Alexander would never approve of us revealing Vladislav's presence. At least not at this point in time. To Alexander this was not only vamp business, it was personal. If it were up to the head vampire, he would keep the matter between his most trusted vamps and Vladislav.

If we took this to the Circle, it would reflect badly on Alexander as a leader. And it might work against whatever he had planned.

Still, we had to do this. I had tried to rely on myself for too long. We needed others' help.

I nodded. "You're right, but if we go to the other factions, we'll need proof and we don't have that at this point in time."

Andy shook his head. "Informing the Circle might be a problem, anyway."

I looked up at him, alarmed. "Why?"

"There's something you should know. At the moment I'm under temporary suspension, so I can't just walk into the Circle's headquarters."

My jaw dropped. "You're what?"

Andy's face hardened as he folded his arms in front of his chest. He'd been pensive and uncommonly quiet before this conversation, and I didn't like it. It said he had something on his mind. What wasn't he telling me?

"Andy, talk to me."

"It's not a big deal, Anna, relax. Actually it's just a formality."

"Just a formality? Andy, what happened?" My breath left me in a rush, eyes widening. "It's because you helped me, isn't it?"

He shook his head. "Just... forget it. It's temporary."

I stared at him. Andy stared back, saying nothing. Was this my fault, again?

"We've got to focus on Vladislav now", Andy said. "What I'm saying is that, as things are, the Force isn't going to believe us without seeing for themselves."

I sighed. "Then we have to find out Vladislav's whereabouts first and show them."

"No, that's too risky," Andy said.

"Andy, there is no other way. And, there's one more thing. Heléna Bathoryn stole a powerful magical artifact from me. We need to get it back before she figures out what it can do."

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