Falling For You

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When we finally kiss goodnight
How I'll hate going out in the storm
But if you'll really hold me tight
All the way home I'll be warm

It was slowly getting late and I knew the end of the date was approaching, but I didn't want to think about that just yet. Mitch and I were having the best time, tangled up on the couch with a blanket thrown over our laps, watching a stupid, cheesy rom-com, and even though I was not the type for rom-coms I was enjoying the night just because of Mitch's presence. The closeness left my cheeks tinted slightly pink, making me feel warm on the inside.

This was our third date. We'd been out at a restaurant on our first one, then we went to the movie theater on our second date and now Mitch decided to cook a meal at home, and now we ended up curled up on his couch, watching Love Actually. I had my arms around Mitch, holding him closer just to feel his warmth against me, to know he's there and he's mine for the night. He hummed, resting his head on my shoulder.

"It's snowing," he said suddenly raising his head a little to look out of the window, and it was - there was already a thin white blanket covering the ground and the plants. I smiled.

"I love snow. And it's perfect for the movie."

Mitch giggled, and for a moment I forgot myself and drowned in the beauty of the sound. I wanted to kiss him, kiss him right then, but we hadn't had our first kiss yet. Mitch had his three date rule, I found out when I tried to kiss him after walking him home after our first date. I just had to wait, and I didn't want to raise my hopes but I felt like today might be the day. It was the third date.

"You know..." Mitch began after a while of silence. "I really like spending time with you. It feels like we've known each other for years."

I nodded. "Me too. I love how we hit it off immediately." I secretly hoped this meant we were meant for each other. In this month that we've been going out he already managed to become a very important part of my life. And I remembered how much I loved our time together. Every time my heart beat faster or skipped a beat because I looked at him, or thought of him, or heard his voice, his laugh, saw his smile, his beautiful eyes. There was nothing that I wanted more than to finally call him mine.

The ending credits rolled down the screen and Mitch took the remote to turn off the tv. Now the only sound in the room was the soft rustling of the fireplace and the whistling of the wind from outside. We both turned around to check, and there was a storm raging on.

"I don't wanna go out in the storm..." I began. "It's so nice and warm here. With you."

I felt Mitch smile against my shoulder before he left a peck, making me blush. He's never done that before.

"Don't worry, you'll be alright."

"How do you know?" I teased. "I might slip on the ground and fall. Or the wind will just blow me away."

"Yeah, sure," Mitch said sarcastically, his smile wide and his hand against my chest. I hoped he couldn't feel how fast my heart was beating. "You're a big boy."

"Oh, for sure I am." I winked teasingly, making him giggle and we both started laughing. I looked at him and when we both calmed down we just looked into each other's eyes for a long time, drowning in each other. I could just look at him for hours, admiring the tiny flecks of gold in his chocolate eyes, the small, barely visible freckles on his nose, the long lashes that touched his cheeks every time he blinked, his full lips that looked just so perfectly kissable. And seeing him look back at me with as much affection as I felt for him made me feel warm in my heart.

After only a month I was falling for him. I was falling harder than I ever had before. It felt scary, but it also felt safe, because Mitch was my safe place, my home, my everything that I needed. I felt crazy for thinking that because we haven't known each other for years, it's been months, but the moment I laid my eyes on him for the first time that one night in September I knew I was gone. That one night I was running late home from work but I decided to stop by at a small coffee shop to grab a blueberry muffin. Mitch was in line right in front of me, and I somehow found the courage to intervene when he was about to pay, paying his caramel brownie for him. He thanked me about ten times, saying how I really didn't have to, and that's when I saw my chance and asked him out. I still didn't know how my straightforwardness had landed me a date but if it worked then it worked, and if Mitchy was the prize then feeling awkward about it in retrospect was absolutely worth it.

I checked the time - it was almost ten, and I knew I couldn't stay forever. I really didn't want to step a foot outside into the cold but I also didn't want to bother Mitch, or annoy him by staying too late, so I sighed, starting to peel away the blanket. Mitch just whined, cuddling himself into my arm once more. I chuckled.

"Mitchy... It's late. I'm sorry, I have to go."

"Do you really have to?"

"Yes. You have work tomorrow, you need your sleep."

Mitch bit his lip, knowing I was right. Finally, he nodded.

"Alright, I guess. I really loved it tonight."

I gave him a soft smile, now standing up from the couch.

"The food was amazing. You're a great cook."

"Thank you." He blushed. He's so cute, goddamn it.

He intertwined our fingers and led me to the entrance, getting my jacket from the coat rack and helping me put it on. A cute gentleman. I wrapped myself in my black scarf, black gloves and put on my beanie. Mitch smiled.

"You look so cute so wrapped up."

"You always look cute," I answered, blushing.

"Okay..." Mitch suddenly became very serious, biting his lip. Was he nervous? "Scotty, I... Thank you for coming. I'd love to see you again."

"Me too," I admitted. "Are you free next week end?"

Mitch nodded, his eyes lighting up and a smile playing on his lips. "Saturday?"

"Sure, perfect. I'll plan it this time."

"Okay..." He looked down to the floor, still smiling. I could see he was flustered. "I'm looking forward to it."

"Me too."

We looked at each other, just smiling before I caught myself and went in to embrace him. I wrapped him up tightly in my arms, trying to memorize the feeling to get me through the rest of the week when I wouldn't see him. I rested my head on his because he was so small, but he fit right into my embrace just like we were made for each other. But when I leaned back again to part, Mitch kept his arms around my neck. He looked into my eyes and my heart stopped when he closed his eyes, stood on his tiptoes and slowly leaned in. He was careful, giving me time to escape but of course I didn't, I closed my eyes too and closed the distance between us with a kiss.

His lips were soft and when he started moving them, breathing faster and pushing me against the door, I lost myself completely. I kissed back with so much built-up passion and desire as I've never felt before. Mitch made me feel sparks, made me want more when he parted slightly, our foreheads leaning against each other's. I chased his lips, wanting more and he granted me one more peck before he stepped back a few steps, his cheeks soft pink and his smile shy.

"Goodnight, Scotty," he whispered, his eyes meeting mine again.

"Goodnight, Mitchy. Sweet dreams."

I leaned in again to kiss his cheek softly before I made my way back home, and suddenly the storm raging outside didn't seem so cold anymore as my heart was wrapped in a warm blanket of love and affection for Mitch Grassi.

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