I Got A Boyfriend For Christmas

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A/N: Everyone has that one family member that just can't stop asking about your love life. So what if you can convince your best friend to be your boyfriend for Christmas?

"Mitchy, pleeease," Scott begs, looking at Mitch with puppy eyes. "Please?"

"I can't do that." Mitch tries to look away - he knows how puppy eyes always affect him. He can't say no. But he has to. This time, he really does.


"Scott..." Mitch sinks deeper into the cushions on the sofa, just to have Scott shuffle closer to him.

"I'll buy you ten gifts. I'll get you every single piece of clothing you want. I'll buy you the whole new Balenciaga line, just please, be my boyfriend for this holiday."

"Why don't you ask, I don't know, Kirstie to be your girlfriend?" Mitch suggests desperately.

Scott huffs, rolling his eyes. "They all know I'm gay."

"And they know that we're not dating. So what's the point? Ask... Mason."

"He's with Mark."

Mitch groans in frustration. "Why do you even want me to be your pretend boyfriend in the first place?"

"Because my grandma keeps bothering me so much about it. Every year I don't show up with a boyfriend it just gets more and more embarrassing for me. Please, Mitch. Just this once. I already told her I was gonna bring my boyfriend..."

Mitch examines Scott - he tries to figure out if Scott is just making things up for his own sake, but he only finds a frown of worry on his face. He really seems to be anxious.

"Fine." He finally says, giving in. He knows he isn't getting out of this one. "I'll do it."


"Okay, just remember, if anyone asks, we-"

"We've only been dating for two and a half months, I've had a crush on you for a year, you for a bit longer before you confessed to me on one of our wine nights. We are worried about Pentatonix but we decided to jump into it anyways because we're the happiest we've ever been. We don't want kids yet and we haven't talked about marriage. I got it," Mitch finishes, giggling. "We've been through it a million times on the whole ride here."

"Okay." Scott lets out a deep, shaky breath he's been holding. "Let's do it."

They both get out of Scott's car, and immediately, Scott runs up to Mitch and intertwines their fingers. Whether it's for show or for Scott's personal reassurance Mitch doesn't know, he assumes both, but either way he accepts it and squeezes the other boy's palm softly.

"It'll be okay, honey. We're basically a real couple anyway."

"Um... Should we-" Scott begins nervously. "Should we, like, kiss? At some point, I mean?"

Mitch just shrugs. "Sure. I mean, we'll just do whatever feels natural."

"Oh, so you're okay with... Kissing?"

Mitch smiles. "Honey, we've kissed so many times before. Of course I am."

"Okay, okay, good. Good, it's..."

"Relax..." Mitch says. "It's just me. They know me."

"Let's... Let's go for it."

Scott finally knocks, and only seconds later Scott's mom opens the door, his grandma right behind her.

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