A Whole Life Ahead of Us

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A/N: This is a lot of angst just letting you know. Also, I'm referencing my favorite fanfic in this, who can tell where? (Just a small thing)

As soon as he got the call, Scott sped to the ER.

It was still early in the morning, the call actually woke him up but now, at seven thirty am, he was as awake and alert as ever, driving down the road, hoping to get to the hospital in time. He didn't even know what Mitch had been doing at this early hour, or why he had been awake or what the hell actually happened, but something must've gone terribly wrong if his best friend ended up in the hospital.

He tried to stay as calm as possible during the ride which was a challenge as he had no idea if his best friend was still breathing. He hoped, he even prayed to God despite not being religious at all, just clinging to the last bits of faith and hope he still had. Mitch had to be alive. He felt it. He could feel that he wasn't feeling good, but he was alive, and Scott decided to trust his gut feeling on that.

Only ten minutes later, Scott arrived at the hospital, stopping his car somewhere down the road, he didn't care, and running into the building. He was sweating - his face was red, but pale at the same time, he was sweating cold sweat from fear of losing his everything and from hurrying to get here.

"Mitch Grassi", he panted. "Where is he?"

The young, brunette woman gave him a once over, apparently realizing how scared he was and looked into the computer to help him out.

"He's in the ER. I'm afraid, I can't let you see him unless you're a family member or a spouse."

"I'm his husband", he lied. "Please, let me see him." He would do anything to see his Mitch again, even if it was just one last time. No, he didn't want to think about that. He was going to see him, and Mitch was going to be alright. He tried to convince himself of that, or he'd go completely crazy.

"Alright..." The woman frowned, but clicked something in her computer before standing up and motioning for Scott to follow her. He did, following her as she brought him to the elevator. "Up to the third floor, then go down the hallway and he should be in room 317."

"Thank you so much," Scott briefly said but he was already in the elevator, pressing button number 3 and impatiently waiting for the door to close. And when it opened again a few moments later, he was a step, or three floors closer to his best friend.

He ran down the hallway, earning weird looks from everyone passing by and a few rude comments from elderly people, but he made it. 

Room 317 had a glass door, he could see right through it and he stopped for a moment, biting his lip as he suppressed a sob. Inside, there was his Mitchy, lying lifelessly on the bed as a nurse bent over him to check the tubes. Apparently she decided that everything was alright because she nodded to herself as she scribbled something down on her pad and made her way out of the room. She stopped, though, when she noticed Scott, an apologetic look on her face.

"Sorry, family only."

"I'm- we're- we're married..." Scott choked out, fighting his tears. Not once did his eyes leave Mitch's face, all bruised up and bleeding. He had a bandage around his head, but it was soaking through, creating a huge stain in the middle of his forehead and on his left temple. "Is- is he-"

"He's alive," the nurse confirmed. But Scott sensed that wasn't all of it, so he wasn't relieved just yet. She hesitated, before she added, "we doubt he'll make it through tonight. His organs are damaged, he broke his ribs and he has internal bleedings. He got into a bad car crash this morning... I'm sorry."

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