My Name Is: •1•

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Silence. The streets of New York were silent. It sent shivers down Alexander Hamilton's spine as he cautiously walked down the sidewalk, a thick winter jacket hung on his shoulders. It was only fall but it was a particularly cold night. It was an unsettling night.

Silence. Cold. Alexander wasn't used to the  chilly New York weather yet. He grew up in the Caribbean where it could reach like 100 degrees and have town-destroying hurricanes.

It was incredibly silent. Not dead silent, just more silent than you'd imagine New York to be. You could still hear the faint noise of the crickets and the hustle of cars in the distance.

There was something unsettling about the city at night. He felt like eyes were trailing him as he walked down the sidewalk. There was an occasional person or two who would pass him or be standing by a building when he passed. It was strange.

(Woah! Seeing strange!)

He was making his way to Collage. He started the next day and would be happily staying in a crammed dorm.

He wasn't complaining over the fact that the collage he enrolled in, had accepted a few to many people. There were a few dorms that had to have SIX people instead of three to four.

Alexander was one of those unlucky few who had to share a packed dorm. There were only 3 bedrooms in a dorm. One was particularly bigger than the others jut Incase four people had to stay in a dorm. There's only 3 people intended to stay in a dorm, but they made it so four people could stay. They were SOOO prepared. Riiight.

That was Incase of four...what about Incase of 6?! 

Alexander was a bit afraid of meeting new people. He hadn't made a single friend in his life since his mother died.

Kings Collage!

The beautiful collage could be seen from where Alexander was at. He decided that he would find a place near here to camp out for the night.

He set up on a small broken park bench that was obvious a popular spot to the birds....(if you're picking up what I'm putting down)

Alexander didn't mind. He wasn't the slightest shade of picky.

He snuggled up in his thick winter jacket but still shivered. The jacket had a few rips and patches so it wasn't the greatest as far as defense from the crisp fall breeze.

He closed his eyes tight.

He wasn't tired at all. He was nervous- excited- nervcited! What would Collage be like? What would it be like sharing a mini house with a bunch of smelly Collage students? Would he get along with them? What if no one liked him? What if-

He got swallowed up in the fear of meeting new people, it seemed like he could never fall asleep. But, all the worrying wore him out and just like that he was passed out.


Heyo!! What's poppin' it's color_stream here.

yes, for anyone who knows me it's a bit strange that I'm writing a different style of book. HAMILTON!! Because I'm obsessed with musicals! Yes, it is also strange that I starting writing a random book out of no where. Yes, I have been gone for ages and ages. But I'm here, So enjoy.

Chapter one and chapter two were originally combined but I spilt them up because it got to be like 1,540 words or something like that. Thanks for reading! I hope you like it so far!!

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