Shnaazzy: •13•

196 14 44

*Clears throat* Before we begin I would like to take a vote for what two ships you'd rather see:

Leebury or Kingbury
Meggy or Marliza

{I think I already made up my mind on Meggy or Marliza but I'd still like to hear what you all want}



It's been a little over a week since Alex was suspended. It's been pretty lonely in the dorm without him there and I haven't heard much from him since the little incident. He ended up texting Eliza so I got his number from her, but every time we talk it's pretty much just apologies being exchanged.

I've spent most of my time with my "little sister" Peggy and kind of Laf and Herc. Peggy is pretty much my best friend. I'm really close to all of the Schuyler sisters because I stayed with them my first few months in New York. They're all pretty much my family.

I sat in a near by café that wasn't to far from our collage with Peggs.

"Sooooo, Jackie, so how do you feel about Alex~" She teased right after we received our coffee.

"Ugh, I don't even know at this point," I told her as I burried my head into my hands.

"Has anything, like, happened between you two  yet?" She asked, sipping her coffee.

"Um...well, besides the fight thing? We um...kissed.." I whispered.

She sprayed me and the table with coffee and choked a little.

"YOU WHAT?!?!" She yelled, gaining the attention the entire café.

"Yeah...I know, but It seemed really rushed," I admitted, wiping coffee splatter from my face. I wish I could say that was the first time Peggy's spazzed and spit coffee on me...but I can't.

She stood up and frantically waved her arms, screaming, "THIS IS A LAMS FAN FICTION!! ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN AND THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS RUSHED!!"

Everyone in the entire shop, including me, gave her a strange stare.

"I'm sorry...what?"

She dropped back into her seat and quietly whispered, "I am so sorry. Now the entire fandom is going to attack me for breaking their precious fourth wall."

"Once again...what?!"

She mumbled about something about a fandom  being overly obsessed with some wall? I will never understand this girl...

"Pegggy! What are you talking abou?!"

She shook her head dramatically and sighed, "Never mind!"

I cautiously drank my coffee, keeping one eye on her at all times.

"Anyway, I have urgent news for you. That's why I called you here in the first place," She informed me in a very serious tone.


"Okay, Johnny, what I'm about to tell you is very heart-wrenching. Just brace yourself for impact Okay? And remember, I love you and I'm on your side through this whole thing, okay?" She talked to me like I was a four year old.

"Okay.." I nodded slowly. I really wasn't prepared for what was about to come next.

"Alexander asked Eliza out," She told me, very quickly. It was like she was trying to rip off a bandaid...a bandaid that was pretty much implanted in my skin and was VERY painful to be ripped off.

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