No Introduction Needed: •2•

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• • • • • • • • • • • (ALEX'S POV) • • • • • • • • • • •

The morning sunlight pierced Alexander's eyes as he opened them. It had been an uncomfortable night. Alex sat up to see young kinds around his age skateboard or run by.

"Wha- COLLAGE DAY!" He yelled a little to loudly.

A few girls walking by laughed at him.

His hair was messy and his clothes were wrinkled.

A very attractive brunette in a sky blue dress gave him a giggle with a slight blush.

He turned red- embarrassed that he just made a fool of himself. Great first impression to his fellow students.

The girls continued on their way to collage. His collage!! The collage he was to sign in to that very day!!! COLLAGE DAY!!!!

He leaped up from the bench, dusted himself off, tried to flatten his hair down, and took off in a steady/excited jog. All the worries from the night before were completely wiped away!

He arrived at the check in.

"Last name?" A old woman with small black glasses and a grouchy expression asked.

"Hamilton!" Alexander practically yelled.

He was a mess. Messy hair, messy clothes, messy smile, messy everything.

Her glasses tilted down on her face as she examined him, "Are you sure your attending this collage?" She asked, having zero faith in Alexander what so ever.

"Y-Yes," He stuttered, slightly embarrassed.

She examined him again once more.

"Hamilton," He repeated eager to get going.

She sighed and looked down at her sheet. "Hamilton. Dorm 237," the grouchy lady told him.

((if anyone can decode what that stands for First, I will give you a shout in every chapter of this book...or at least most chapters))

"237," Alexander repeated, "Thank you!"

He departed from the table and the huge line behind him towards his dorm.

With every step, he got more nervous. The questions that haunted him the night before returned.

"W-What if no one likes me? Or even worse- what if I don't like anyone?! I'll have to spend the rest of the rest of my time at collage with a bunch of people I hate!!" Alex thought.

Once Alexander reached the dorm he paused outside the door.

Here goes everything.

He tapped gently on the door, frightened to see what awaited him on the other side.

The door knob twisted then opened, there stood a tall dark-skinned man with a grey beanie.

"H-H-Hi." Alexander stuttered.

"Hey," The guy answered without missing a beat, "Glad someone came! I was the first one here, You're the second."

"O-oh?" Alexander said not knowing exactly how to respond.

"I'm Hercules Mulligan!" The guy proudly stated.

"Alexander Hamilton."

"Nice to meet you, come on it."

Hercules opened the door for Alexander.

"Thank you." Alex said, walking inside the dorm.

It was a decent lay out.

You first walked into the living room first once you came into the dorm. TV, couch, a chair, cozy. A kitchen was added on diagonal from the living space. It was pretty empty, just a fridge, a microwave, and a whole lot of counter space. A table layed on the other side of the protruding counter. Three bars stools ran along the edge of the counter top. There was only 7 spots to sit total but they could fix that. In between the dining room/kitchen and living area lay a open doorish area with a curtain dangling down from it. If you went through the curtain there was a horizontal hallway. The door in front of you was dorm room 1. It was large and had a private bathroom in it. The next room was a bit smaller. Inside there was a door that led to the bathroom. You could also reach the bathroom from the hallway so it wasn't a private bathroom. The next room was even smaller. Had a bed and then a mattress laying on the floor. Pretty pathetic and cramped. There was one more bathroom all the way down the dark hallway. The last thing in the hallway was a large closet, and I mean very large. They could probably make it a bedroom if they wanted.

After exploring a bit with Hercules trailing him, he turned to look at his new roommate.

"I wasn't sure how you all wanted to pick rooms so I just set my bags down on the couch," Hercules told Alex.

"I say first come, first serve."

"Okay." Hercules shrugged.

Now it was debate time. Who did Alex want to room with? He had only met Hercules so far. There seemed to be slight tension between the two. Awkward maybe? They just met and there wasn't anyone else. Should he room with Hercules or wait for someone else? What if he didn't like the people who came along? But what if he made easy friends with someone else? It would be awkward rooming with him instead and just leaving Hercules there...

"You can pick first." Hercules offered.

This brought Alexander relief. Now Hercules could make the choice of rooming with Alex or someone else.

Alex picked the second room. It was cozy and had a desk over by one of the beds. Perfect. He tossed his bag on the bed and pulled some notebooks out of his bag. He set them all on his desk with a sweet sigh.

Hercules decided to bunk in room 1. That one had just a little bit more room I think. Maybe it was just the lighter paint color that made it seem that way. It had more floor space than Alex's room which had 2 twin beds, 2 desks, and a tall book shelf. Hercules room didn't have a desk, but it did have queen sized beds which was nice.

A knock sounded.

Another roommate has arrived!

Woah! Freaky fast update!! School was cut short today due to the 7 inches of snow that came. Yes, It's blizzarding. So, I'm stuck up inside writing! Next chapter will be interesting...I'm excited to write for a certain someone...

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