Sketchy: •7•

220 13 15

A/N: Now I feel like I update to quickly :*) It can't be helped, I write like I'm running out of time.

Everyone was unpacking the last of their things now.

Laurens sat on the mattress lying on the floor. It honestly sucked that he got last pick for beds but he wasn't complaining. He could easily reach his two pet turtles. One was names James, after his brother. John was never close to his family growing up...for reasons. James was always supportive of him no matter what his father forced him to do or where to go. Laurens was going to attend some fancy collage in London under his fathers wishes, but he sneaked back to New York and here he was. James was the best brother he could ever ask for. The other turtle was names Squirt because he was small and Laurens really liked 'Finding Nemo'.

((A/N: I promise sneaked is proper grammar OH AND ORIGINAL TUTLE NAMES))

Laurens didn't have much to set up. He was done within minutes. But, not James Madison.

It was really gonna be strange for Laurens to have a turtle names James and a roommate named James. Just imagine his turtle James doing something bad. Laurens just randomly shouting "NO JAMES!!"
Actually, John laughed at the thought of Madison's unexpected jump in fear at his random shout.

Madison was very quiet. John watched as he laid a light yellow blanket down on his bed. He set a picture of what looked like his family down on his mini night stand along with some medication. He unpacked bags and tucked clothes away in a dresser on his side of the room. He set a few more small trinkets up, making his side of the room cozy. Once Madison sat down, they faced each other and just stared.

John noticed cut marks running along James arms. This scared Laurens. Self-harm Maybe? He couldn't be sure..maybe James owned a cat or something. There were also bags under his eyes, and the tons of medication implied that he was either sick a lot or had some sort of problem. The poor guy just didn't look like he was in a good condition.

"Tell me about yourself, James," Laurens asked, growing curious of his new roommate.

"There's nothing interesting about me.." he insisted even though John knew otherwise.

"Tell me about those," Laurens pointed to the deep cuts on Madison's arms.

He turned bright red, embarrassed.

"Those are nothing," He reassured, trying to cover them up.

"Do you own a cat or..?"

"I don't wanna talk about it."

John realized he pushed him a
little to far.

"What about those?" He asked pointing the multiple containers of pills placed on his nightstand.

"I'm just usually sick..." he refused to go into any more detail.

"Is that a picture of your family?" Laurens asked, picking up the frame.


"The poster?" Laurens set the frame down and made his way over to a poster hanging on the wall. John couldn't even make out what was on it. Mostly gold and black with some writing on it.

"It was a gift." James said, leaving it at that.

"Favorite color?" John asked curiously.

"Why do you even wanna know any of this?"

"Pfft, excuse me for trying to get to know my roommate," Laurens fired back in defense.

They sat in silence for a moment.

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