hopefully the last time i write about you.

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i hate myself.
i really hate myself because i know i'm over you but fuck me because i still care about your well being
even though i know for sure you don't give a fuck about mine.
but i see you with her, and it hurts alittle inside.
but i'm so over the pity party
and i'm completely done missing you
but our memories?
i'm sorry, really i am, but those are too special to forget.
i loved you.
i love you.
and i know i did because when you left
i cried so much people thought a hurricane was coming;
my heart broke into pieces and it shook the ground making other scared an earth quack was beginning.
i lost myself in you
and when you were gone i didn't know who i was anymore.
i fucked up.
and i'm so sorry for whoever was left behind in my lovesick madness
but i think i needed to do that to get my priorities straight
or at least so i can realize that love even first loves don't last forever.
i thank you because you woke me up
but i despise you because i was in love with my dream.
i'm was at a cross roads
but now i'm here, turning right, trying to fix my mistakes and not forget you, but cherish our time and understand that it is gone.
may you have a good life, and stay out of mine.

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