High School.

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If someone were to walk up to me my freshman year and asked what i thought of high school life would be like i'd say this,

My best friend and i will be closer than bark on a tree, my toxic crush and i will still be together but happy. i will become the world best therapist and my best friend and on will own that graduation stage and start the beginning of our lives together somewhere somehow.

see, now if someone came up to me last year and asked how i thought my senior would be i would given one of two answers:

one: my best friend and i will probably be going to different colleges but we will remain the same no matter what. my lovely boyfriend and i will defeat the odd of long distance and stay together because we love each other. i will be the best psychology teacher the world has ever seen and my life will alter but remain somewhat the same.

two: my boyfriend and i will stay together because we love each other. my friends and i will keep in touch and see each other whenever possible and root for the best in each other. i know my best friend who isn't my best friend anymore will do incredible things and i will be proud of her. my boyfriend will end up going to my college and we will live out this insanely romantic college love. i will become the greatest English teacher i possibly can and help my students with anything.

If someone were to ask me now.. i'd look back on high school year and smile and cry because when you look forward you think time is pasting slow, but when you look back you really see how everything has changed and before you know it you're out in the real world and no one is holding your hand telling you what to do.

I would tell that person that i have no idea what i'm doing; that i never new what i was doing. i matured and grew up into someone i never thought i would. i have made mistakes and i messed up.. a lot. I also made incredible memories with incredible people, even if they are not in my life anymore. i would tell them that when i finally walk across that stage i will smile so big my cheeks will hurt because i did it. i graduated. but i will also cry because i'm scared and i'm leaving the only place and the only area where i know everyone. i'm leaving home and familiarity. i will tell them that i lost friends and i gained friends, i fell in love and i got my heart broken and i wish i could change some things but i know it's impossible to do that. i will tell them that even though i hated going to school and being in class, that i would never trade that for anything. i will tell them that i thought high school sucked, but in reality it was such a blessing and now i know i'm ready for bigger adventures with other people and i'm ready to explore new places and even myself. i would tell them that high school is nothing like you think it is. cherish it, because before you can even blink it'll over.

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