⚜ P r o l o g u e ⚜

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❝ You will love him, and never betray him. ❞ 


She was beautiful for a reason. And that reason was for the dragons to fall for her and choose her over their master. 

It was like a curse - falling for such a perfect person.

She'd deceive them into falling in love, only to make them betray their master and follow her instead. This was the separate story the people had created for the mysterious Black Dragon who wasn't included in the legend of the Four Dragon Warriors. Rather than being one of the Warriors that were there to assist the Red Dragon, she was a temptress, fooling the dragons with her beauty. 

However, Kuro was quite opposite, compared to the stories that everyone believed.

Why were the people so convinced that she was a cruel witch?

 As the blood of the Four Dragon Warriors had been passed down, one of these generations had met the beauty that everyone knew as "Kuro". She was as beautiful as the tale had described, if not, more. She was kind. She was loving. In all ways, she was perfect, unlike the biased explanations for her beauty. 

 These humans who possessed the blood of the Dragon Warriors did not have a master at the time. They were already following the path that their first Dragon Warriors had carved for them.

During this time, they had all fallen in love with her. They were convinced that she was far more superior than the supposed "master" they kept waiting for unconditionally, only to meet the disappointment as they'd leave this world without a purpose. At this point, they chose to be guided by her, the Black Dragon that they had fallen in love with.

 The people of the five tribes and the kingdom were strongly against this, knowing that the Four Dragon Warriors are only supposed to obey their true master, the Red Dragon, and never betray him. It was here that everyone had announced she was a curse. That she only existed to steal the throne of the Red Dragon, she was a fake. There were several accusations against her, some which had proof.

 Because of their mistrust and anger towards the Black Dragon, she was banished from the kingdom and brutally murdered. But, similar to the other Dragon Warriors, the blood of the Black Dragon was passed down - as a reincarnation. 

Kuro was reborn at each death, with a different identity yet the same curse. Her long, silky raven hair remained the same, and so did the long black wings that were attached to her back. The similarities represented her connection to the first Black Dragon, Kuro. However, her hair wasn't given any second thoughts from the people, it was a common hair colour, and she was able to live amongst the other humans peacefully.


King Hiryuu loved all the humans no matter how cruel they could be. Kuro, however, wasn't like those evil beings whatsoever. In fact, Hiryuu saw her as the most beautiful being in the world. It amazed him - how a person could be so flawless. She was his favourite human, one he treasured before all. Beautiful, generous, caring, sweet, kind, the list would never end. 

  Once Hiryuu took on human form, he eventually had to fight against humans. It was believed that humans living in that era were full of hatred and evil - making them forget about their God. The kingdom fell into ruins as a result. King Hiryuu was taken captive by humans who desired power and just as everything seemed to be on the brink of destruction, four dragons came down from the heavens to assist him. They gave their blood and granted their power to four warriors and told them they were to protect and never betray Hiryuu and to stay with him to the end.

The dragons loved Hiryuu and despised the humans for their treatment towards him. They suggest destroying all of them as punishment for losing their faith towards the gods, but Hiryuu rejected them. As Hiryuu had become human, he couldn't help but love the humans for who they are. He loved Kuro, and she was human. The perfect human. He believed that not all humans were awful, there were some just like her.

Kuro's perfection didn't go unnoticed by the Dragon Warriors. Slowly, unfortunately, they fell. They knew she belonged to the master, but everything about her made them only love her more. Their infinite love and respect for their master, however, kept their feelings locked away.

These feelings were what created the curse of the Black Dragon. Their sadness, their jealousy, their anger, all of their negative emotions had built up, cursing the one they tried to force themselves to stop loving.

When the Red Dragon inside of King Hiryuu became tired after freeing the kingdom of all evil, the four dragons mourned of his death and began walking their separate pathways. Unbeknownst to them, it was after the death of their king that the curse had finally taken place in the girl, who now had the blood of the "Black Dragon".


[ A / N ]

This story might stray from the plot of the anime, or might not match some other details. Feel free to correct me, but as this is a fanfiction, I have changed some things and played around with the details to write this story.

The events in this fan-fiction will relate to the anime and not the manga, which I have not read yet. I think that some things are different in the manga, and there are some things that haven't been mentioned in the anime.

Sorry if some of it does not make sense, or seems weird. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy reading this story! :)

[ Edit - 7/12/17 ]

At the moment, it's the summer holidays for me, so hopefully, I can focus on this story. My other stories haven't been updated in a while because I've kinda lost the ideas, idk.

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