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[Name], you are the rebirth of the Black Dragon herself.


The shock from Ik-Soo's words lingered, even after [Name] had fallen asleep. It had taken her long enough to believe that she was a descendant of hers, with the wings, but to hear that she was the 'rebirth' of a dragon?

[Name] was beyond surprised. That night, Ik-Soo had told her about the Black Dragon's reincarnation ability. This made her question why she was the rebirth of the actual Black Dragon and not her ancestors. Unfortunately, this was a question that Ik-Soo could not answer, for he did not know.

She knew that Ik-Soo's words did not mean to hurt her, but to inform her of the truth, but she couldn't help but be upset. Hearing from a priest that your existence is a curse - probably not the nicest thing someone could say. This fact began to stir up anxiety in [Name], she truly didn't want to put anyone in danger, nor deceive anyone. At one point, she started to convince herself that isolating herself would be the only way to keep the people around her safe.

Insomnia wasn't something [Name] went through often, but the thoughts that occupied her mind kept her awake, the anxiety stealing her sleep.

With the little sleep [Name] was able to have, her thoughts stained her dreams too. She woke up with ragged breathing, her violent nightmare haunting her even when she wasn't asleep. [Name] tried to focus on anything but the situations she was imagining - they weren't pleasant.

Once [Name] had turned her attention to what was in front of her, she didn't really calm down. She gasped, standing up abruptly to help Yoon carry the limp bodies of two people she thought she'd never see again.

Yoon immediately worked on the critical wounds of the man. [Name] focused on the red-haired girl, at times asking Yoon for assistance. He was rather surprised at [Name]'s fast adaption with medicine and herbs. What also surprised him were the tears rolling down her cheeks, and her occasional choked sobs.

After patching up the black-haired man, Yoon started cutting an orange into slices, "[Name], do you know these people?" He asked, before walking to the redhead. His question caught her off-guard, "A- ah, they are close friends of mine. We were separated a few days ago, and as much as I wanted to see them again, finding them in this state worries me," she frowned, gazing down at her feet as her eyes became glossy.

"I'll get ingredients for breakfast," [Name] sighed, not wanting to cry in front of Yoon, already knowing that he's seen her at vulnerable moments. Yoon nodded, taking a slice of the orange to Yona.


"Why is he so devoted to you? Is he your lover?"

[Name] laughed at Yoon's question, walking up to him to pass the basket of vegetables she had gathered. "You're back, [Name],"

She hummed in response, then was tackled to the ground by a short redhead. "Yona-chan, you shouldn't be running like that, you're hurt," [Name] tried to scold her, but instead she broke into tears again at the thought of her being awake and alive. She wrapped her arms around Yona's small waist, letting her cry into her chest.

"I missed you, [Name]," Yona sobbed. "I missed you too, Yona-chan," [Name]'s voice trembled, "I was so scared I'd never see you again- and then, you weren't going to wake up..."

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