⚜ C h a p t e r - e i g h t ⚜

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"Have you made up your mind, Princess?"

Hak spoke, sitting at the corner of the wooden floor as his gaze followed Yona and [Name]. The older ravenette female was pulling Yona's cloak over her shoulders and tying the strings for her with a soft smile. Yona turned and lifted her arms, playing with the material of the cloth, before finally turning to Hak.

"Yeah. Hak, [Name], you approve, don't you?"

"Of course," [Name] said, grasping Yona's small hands in hers gently, and looking at her. "You made the right choice, I'm proud of you, Yona-chan." Yona grinned innocently in response, until she was interrupted by Hak.

"He'll probably be less of a burden than someone else I know," He threw a smug smirk at the redhead, who pouted and furrowed her brows.

"Who are you talking about??"

"Who knows~" Hak shrugged off her playfully angry expression, glancing at [Name], covering her mouth as she chuckled at their exchange.

Then, Hak stuck out his tongue at Yona, teasing her even more. Yona's eyes widened before she mimicked his actions.


'So, even Hak acts like a child sometimes, huh?' [Name] thought, grinning. She laughed louder at their childish actions, her eyes closing as she did so and head tilting to the side. Her silky hair fell over her shoulders, and unbeknownst to her, her melodious laughter and sweet smile brightened up the room. She hadn't noticed the stare from the male in front of her.


The three of them, now four, stood in front of Ik-soo.

"Yoon-kun, are you alright?" The priest asked, smiling softly, gazing proudly at Yoon. [Name] noticed his bright, magenta eyes behind his hair, sparkle with joy but with a hint of sadness.

Just for a minute, he reminded her of Soo-won. The old Soo-won.

'The old Soo-won never really existed. It was all a facade. Ik-Soo is nothing like that two-faced bastard-'

"[Name]...?" The ravenette female was pulled out of her reminiscent thoughts by a certain redhead whispering her name and grasping her hand gently. "Are you okay?" Yona asked. [Name] hadn't noticed, but her lips were pressed into a frown, her hands clenched onto her cloak in frustration with her thoughts.

[Name] smiled at Yona, genuinely, and gave her hand a squeeze of reassurance, "I'm alright." 'Princess Yona is so strong.' [Name] thought, knowing that Yona had similar thoughts running through her head at times as well, yet she remained cheerful and innocent, trying to push away negative thoughts of the past and instead look ahead of her for the future.

"This is a bag we can put the princess in when we enter cities that are guarded." Yoon explained, pulling out a large cloth and holding it out. "...To put me in?" The small redhead tilted her head in confusion, blinking at Yoon. Even Hak had been surprised by Yoon's idea. [Name] chuckled softly at their expressions.

"I've got a bunch of other stuff. Do you want to see it?" Yoon was now sitting on the floor, various medical supplies and even a book on medicine surrounding him.

"I've seen enough. Let's go. We'll lose the daylight." Hak sighed.

"Huh?" The pretty boy stopped rummaging through his bag and blinked at the tall man.

"Thank you for taking care of us." Hak said. "We'll see you later, Ik-soo." Yona smiled and waved at the blonde male. Ik-Soo placed his hands together in front of him, "I'll pray for your safe journey."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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