⚜ C h a p t e r - s e v e n ⚜

350 19 3


I'm alive

I'm so sorry for the late update everyone ;-;
I actually really like this story but I kinda suck at writing and I'm lazy so I end up procrastinating a lot :((

But your comments make me so happy and I feel like I really should update when j see that there are actually people reading this story and enjoying it

Again I'm really sorry for being a lazy author-chan T_T

For now, please enjoy this super late chapter :D



"Ik-soo, you're a lot like my father," Yona smiled, turning her head to look up at him. "Huh? You mean King-Il?" Ik-Soo stuttered, shaking his hands, "You're too generous!"

"You're unreliable, a crybaby, and your head is in the clouds,"

"But you're a cute person." [Name] walked into the shed, standing beside Yona. She wanted to talk about Yoon joining them on their journey. Catching a glimpse of Ik-Soo's beautiful eyes, [Name] watched in awe. He was shocked by her words.

"Hey, Ik-soo," The red-haired girl spoke up, "Yoon is foul-mouthed, but he loves you. I don't want to pull a family apart,"

"We can't take Yoon with us on our journey." She frowned, "So I can't comply with your request." Sighing, Yona looked away from Ik-Soo and turned to [Name], who comfortingly placed her hand on her shoulder. "You asked us to take Yoon with us, but..."

"We cannot take Yoon with us unless he wants to go." [Name] spoke for Yona, seeing her upset expression. "You're right." Ik-Soo nodded, frowning slightly.

"I'm sorry. I should've been the one to say that." he bowed, apologizing. Smiling, Ik-Soo walked out of the shed, leaving [Name] and Yona.

"Ne, Yona-chan, you're maturing so fast." [Name] grinned, teasingly patting Yona's red hair. "Eh! I was already mature!" Giggling at Yona's cuteness, they began to leave the shed.

"Why me? You can't be serious!"

[Name] grasped Yona's sleeve, gently pulling her back into the shed. Yoon had grabbed Ik-Soo's collar and was pushing him against the wall. "You shouldn't stay here. Go see the world." Ik-Soo's magenta eyes could be seen behind his long bangs, his expression serious.

"Ik-Soo..." Yoon's eyes widened, pulling back from him slightly. He let go of Ik-Soo's clothing, even Yoon was shocked by his tone.

"I'll be fine without you!" Even though he was trying to comfort Yoon, Ik-Soo insulted him instead.

~『second point of view』~


You and Hak were in the stream, trying to catch fish. It was Hak's idea to fry the fish, but yours to see who would get more.  Hak decided to splash you with the stream water, shocking you enough to drop your net.

As proud as you were about catching your four fish, it didn't last long. Bending down, you picked up your empty net, glaring at Hak accusingly. Hak rose his net, showing you how many he caught, smirking at you cockily.

Little did you know, he wasn't smirking because of his amazing ability to catch fish, the water that had soaked you caused your white undershirt to stick to your bare skin. You crossed your arms over your chest, scoffing at him. "You cheated! That was unfair!"

"Either way, I caught more so I won anyway," He teased, "Besides, I've already received my prize~" Grinning, Hak walked out of the stream and towards Yoon, near the fire. "P- Pervert!" You huffed, following him.

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