⚜ C h a p t e r - t h r e e ⚜

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[Name] stirred and sat up slowly to see a blonde-haired man sitting in front of her. She clenched her fists at the dull pain that hadn't gone away yet. It was better than before, but the absence of her wings kept reminding her of the man that she wanted nothing to do with. Shaking her head gently, she tried to get the thought of him out of her head and instead turned to the man smiling at her reassuringly.

"You're awake!" he grinned at her with his hands together. [Name] flinches slightly at his closeness, and slightly startled by his tone. The dizziness that hit her before had become tolerable, but her hands kept shaking. She put her hands together too, bowing her head slightly, "Good morning."

Yoon walked back into the house with a basket of ingredients in his hands, "It's not morning anymore," he sighed. "Oh, s- sorry, hello," [Name] corrected herself, smiling shyly at her mistake. "Hello! My name is Ik-Soo, I'm somewhat like Yoon's guardian," the man introduced himself, his hair falling over his eyes.

"I'm [Name]," she told him, her gaze lowered to see that she was now dressed in a loose white tunic to cover her bandages. Her attention then returned to Ik-Soo, who was sobbing as he looked into her eyes. "I am sorry, [Name]-chan," he apologized, tears streaming down his face. 

She sat up straight, leaning on her arms slightly, "No, no, don't cry! It's okay," [Name] repeated what she had been telling herself for days, knowing it might not be true. Ik-Soo held her small hands in his, lifting them up, "You are strong, [Name], to be able to keep smiling after his betrayal."

[Name]'s smile faltered slightly at the mention of him, it did sometimes cross her mind that Soo-won might've regretted his actions, but at other times she'd believe that he was just a heartless murderer. She knew Soo-won, Hak and Yona since they were children. She remembered his innocent smile, his comforting hugs and his soothing words. He was a motherly figure to [Name] and Yona, after the death of Yona's mother and [Name]'s missing parents.

"How did you know?"

"Oh, the gods told me." Ik-Soo stood up and brushed it off, only to realise what he said. He turned to [Name] and laughed nervously, then sighing when Yoon asked him if he was stupid. "How can you just blurt that out?"

"So you are a priest?" She questioned, slightly finding it hard to believe that the clumsy man standing in front of her could hear the voice of the Gods. Ik-Soo only shrugged and scratched his head lightly, still smiling nervously.


Once [Name] was stable enough to stand, she changed into the dress that Yoon had sewn for her. She wore a black vest outlined by [f/c] and a sash of the same colour with white sleeves and a long skirt underneath.

[Name] helped Yoon prepare dinner for the three of them and Yoon was slightly shocked at how precise she was while cooking. They weren't having meat tonight, but [Name] had mentioned that she knew how to hunt, giving them an advantage.

It was silent at first when they sat down to eat. "This is delicious, Yoon-san," [Name] hummed in delight as she savoured the taste. "W- well, you helped so no need to give me all the credit." Yoon wasn't usually so bashful, he shocked himself with what he said.

[Name] smiled at the slight blush on Yoon's face, "Nonetheless, thank you, Yoon-san, Ik-soo," setting her bowl down in front of her, she looked up, "I owe you for saving my life, Yoon-san, and letting me stay here."

"Just call me Yoon," he wasn't used to formalities and [Name]'s respect for him embarrassed him, "I'm just a passing handsome boy, you don't have to remember me."

"But I will, Yoon, I am grateful to you for all your help." She bowed, after helping Yoon clear the bowls.

"Stop it," Yoon placed his hands on her shoulders lightly, straightening her back. He noticed her flinch at his touch and took a step back. She muttered a quiet 'sorry' and smiled awkwardly.

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