⚜ C h a p t e r - t w o ⚜

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A scream erupted from her mouth at the sudden pain releasing from her back. All she wanted was to rest, but the moment she lay down, the ground touching her back caused unbearable pain. For a minute, she had forgotten about it. Sitting upright abruptly, [Name] slowly reached out a hand to feel her back. Gasping, she held in a scream at the realisation of the absence of her wings.

Her wings.


"[Name]," the voice of the man she wanted to see the least spoke as the doors of her room opened. [Name] had been cooped up in the corner of her room for days. The days that she still knew nothing of Hak and Yona's whereabouts. Heck, she didn't even know if they were alive!

"Go away," she'd reply, every time that Soo-won would try to talk to her. Honestly, it hurt him to see [Name] so vulnerable and scared. What hurt him more was that it was him that she was so afraid of. "[Name], it's just me." He'd try to reassure her, it never worked.

"I'm telling you to go away because it's you," she spat, looking at him with disgust as he walked towards her shaking form. Soo-won smirked, yet faked hurt. "How hurtful. And here I was thinking you wanted to see me," 

"I'd never want to see you in a million years." She scoffed, her long, black wings folded behind her, she stood up. Soo-won was so close that at this point their noses were touching. "I didn't think you were a liar, [Name]," he smiled his fake smile, the malice behind it appearing obvious to her.

"What do you want?" She finally cut to the point, glaring at Soo-won, knowing that he had other intentions, hidden behind his smirk. "You," he grinned, turning his head to rest it on her neck. At the same time, he reached out to grab her wings, "and these."

All [Name] could remember were her ear-piercing screams and cries as pain shot throw her whole being.

"I'm sorry,"


The wings of the Black Dragon were the root of her reincarnation ability, according to the legend. [Name] didn't know much about her abilities or her identity as the Black Dragon, but what she did know was that she didn't fit into the tale of the Warriors. Yona used to always ask her father to read her the same story. She was so fascinated with the Dragon Warriors.

[Name] had no memories of her previous lives, but she rarely unlocked special moments the previous her treasured. She remembered the whispers of passersby, pointing at her exposed wings. At that time, she didn't know her wings weren't normal. However, in this current 'timeline', [Name] knew to hide her wings from other people. She hid them from Yona and Hak, too. Thinking about all these different timelines puzzled her to no end, she never fully understood. 

Suddenly, the injury on her back began to throb, the feeling similar to being stabbed all over again. Finally brought back to reality, [Name] did not feel the sharp grass against her cheeks, and instead saw a young handsome yet girly boy placing a blanket on her resting body. Observing her surroundings with her blurry vision, her attention adverted to the boy with the apricot-coloured hair as he spoke.

"You're finally awake." He turned away from [Name], pink tinting his cheeks. The cloth he tried to cover her with was slipping from her shoulders as she sat up. [Name] gasped lightly as she realised she was bare-chested - except for the bandages that covered her chest down to her the bottom of her stomach.

[Name] also noticed the bandages wrapped around her forehead. "Th- Thank you," she stuttered, looking at him as if asking for his name. "Yoon," he answered, still avoiding eye contact with her.

"Ah, thank you, Yoon-san." [Name] smiled at him, despite being confused. "Your head, you must've fallen somewhere," Yoon explained and turned to face her, not asking about the peculiar scars on her back. 

She clutched the blue blanket laying on her shoulders, muttering a quiet 'how?' to herself. Standing up, Yoon walked off somewhere to get something. [Name] tried to stand herself, only to be hit by dizziness. She groaned, releasing her grip on the blanket and leaning on the wall for support.

"Tch. You're supposed to be resting," Yoon grunted, placing the items of clothing he brought to the floor beside her shaking form. He gently helped her lie down again as her breath quickened. [Name] shut her eyes in agony of the pain running through her back again, she lifted herself off the soft ground, turning to lay on her side. Yoon's eyebrows furrowed when he saw the bandages stained with blood from her wounds.

She reached for Yoon, tightly gripping onto his clothing. A light blush made itself onto his face as he tried to look away from [Name], who was wearing nothing but a pair of loose pants, her chest barely covered by the bandages. The realisation came back to him as he remembered that he needed to change her blood-stained bandages.

"O- Oi, let go of me." Yoon stuttered, knowing he had to somehow replace [Name]'s bandages. Taking off this layer to replace it would reveal her bare chest. Quiet groans and whimpers escaped her mouth, while Yoon tried to unwrap the bandages without hurting her more.


[Name] had eventually fallen asleep, her breathing evening out as she slept. Unknowingly, Yoon smiled at the accomplishment of helping the injured [Name]. He sighed, seeing the clothes he had left beside her, she was still barely dressed.

Abruptly, a tall man with messy, braided blonde hair stumbled into the room, bruised and covered in dirt. Yoon turned his head to see him, "Ik-Soo! What happened this time?" He sighed, speaking quietly not to wake [Name] up.

"I... fell," he didn't say much, his attention was instead given to the sleeping girl behind Yoon. Ik-Soo smiled kindly, seeing that Yoon was trying to keep his voice down to let her sleep peacefully. He didn't say much, letting Yoon attend to his wounds silently.

It wasn't usually this quiet. When Ik-Soo would return, Yoon would start to scold him and tell him to be more careful. But this time, he didn't say anything. It was obvious to Ik-Soo that he didn't want to disturb [Name].

Ik-Soo wasn't too surprised by her appearance. God's voice had already informed him of her arrival. After all, what other events could lead the Black Dragon herself to a secluded house hidden under the mountains?

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