⚜ C h a p t e r - s i x ⚜

592 34 16

"You must search for the four dragon warriors."

"You mean the four dragon warriors from the legend? They exist? They really exist? !" Yona sparkled at the thought, she loved the legend, and to hear that it wasn't just a legend was overwhelming.

"Yeah right," at first, Hak denied it, but he began to question himself after seeing [Name]'s peculiar wings.

"They do exist."

This time, it was [Name] speaking instead of Ik-Soo. She walked over to the sitting priest, turning to face the waterfall behind him. "Even now," Ik-Soo continued.

"They live quietly in this kingdom, with the blood they inherited. Actually, they might be closer than you think," he lifted his head to face [Name], offering her a small smile. "They will lend you their strength."

"Priest, I don't want Hak to die.But I'm not sure the legendary dragons will lend their strength to one such as me." Yona frowned, putting her hands together again. "That night, you miraculously escaped death, you miraculously escaped the castle, and you miraculously survived a fall into this abyss."

"I believe those were not miracles but God's will leading you here. If you find the legendary dragons, it will not only be your wish but God's will." The priest's wise words surprised Yona. "However, Heaven can only show you the way,"

"You must walk the path yourself."


"Yona," [Name] grasped Yona's wrist, to stop her from throwing away something she treasured so much. "I want to become stronger, [Name]," Yona's determination showed in her expression as she looked up at the stars. [Name] only nodded, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Princess?" Yona and [Name] turned around to see Hak, but before he could say anything, Yona tackled him to the floor. "Hak, don't! You should lie down!"

[Name] smirked at Hak, who was lying down under Yona. "Ouch," Hak pretended to be hurt, "You're crushing me with your weight, Princess Yona," she glared at him, both of them sitting up.

"I'm all better now," he looked at her firmly, glancing at [Name] only for a short time, "I'm not going to die." Although he was trying to reassure the two girls, his brows furrowed, giving him a grumpy look.

"Hak, I want to meet the people with the dragon blood." [Name] visibly flinched at Yona's words, feeling guilty of not telling her the truth. "Why look for them? They may not exist. And if they do," his gaze met [Name]'s. "They may not be your allies."

"I want to move forward somehow. I will become stronger." [Name] smiled at Yona, proud of her courage. "Teach me how to use a sword and bow. I'll learn,"

"I don't want to die in this absurd state, even more - I don't want to lose the only people I have left," Yona admitted glumly. "To prevent that, I will acquire even the power of the gods."

"I'm telling you that I won't die," Hak scratched his head, shutting his eyes to think. "Well, if that's what you want, I'll take a chance on God's will or whatever it is,"

"Awe, Hak's been such a good boy lately." [Name] giggled, walking behind him to pat his head. "Oi, I'm older than you," he scoffed, not bothering to turn around. "It was a compliment, jeez," crouching down beside the two, [Name] sighed.

"So annoying."

"What? !"

"Hah! You have more wrinkles!"

"You're kidding!"

"Yona-chan, if you're angry all the time, you'll become a wrinkly old lady!" [Name] warned her playfully, only to be tackled by her again. "That's none of your business!" 

"Oh! Now you have even more!"

"Hak, you idiot! !" Yona didn't let go of [Name] but wrapped her arm around Hak's neck to capture both of them. Hearing footsteps, they froze, to see Ik-Soo.

"Have you made up your mind?" He smiled, with Yona muttering a small 'yes' in return. "I have a favour to ask you three."

"I want you to take Yoon-kun with you on your journey."


"Ah! Yoon-kun, did you make these clothes?" Yona spun, giggling lightly. "Not really. I just had some leftover cloth from [Name]'s dress,"

"It isn't silk, so it probably doesn't suit you, but it's better than those rags you had on." 

"[Name], [Name] look! We're matching!" Grabbing [Name]'s hands, she spun her around with her. "Be careful!" Yoon scolded, afraid of Yona's recklessness.

"Hey, lend me something sharp," Yona said, running over and grabbing an axe, "I'm going to even out my hair." She declared, barely able to hold up the axe.

"With that? !"

"Yona-chan!" Carefully taking the axe out of her hands, [Name] began to cut off Yona's uneven strands of red hair after she sat down.

"You're kind, Yoon,"

[Name] smiled, glad that she wasn't the only one who saw through Yoon's tsundere facade. "There we go," placing the blade she had used to cut Yona's hair and emptying out the bucket of water, [Name] left Yoon and Yona to talk.


Leaning on the stone walls, Hak stood outside with crossed arms. He lifted his gaze to meet [Name]'s, "Were you eavesdropping?" She asked, crossing her arms as well. "Maybe, maybe not." Hak's reply was short, he pushed off the wall and started walking away.

Following after him, [Name] was barely able to keep up with his long strides. "It's nice to see Yona so lively after... everything." Hak hummed in reply, not seeming in the mood to talk. Noticing Hak's silence, [Name] could tell something was wrong.

"Hak, I'm sorry," Hak stopped walking, hearing [Name] sniffle. "I would've told you before but S- Soo-won - he..." Her shaking voice caught Hak's attention, he turned around to face [Name].

Her hands clenched her dress, lowering her head. "You're such a crybaby, come here," Hak sighed, pulling [Name] closer to him, wrapping his around her. He held her as if she could break any moment. A hand softly patted her head soothingly, the other stroking her back, running over her wings gently.

[Name] gasped at the feeling of Hak's hand running over her torn wings. It didn't hurt, but instead, a shock ran through her whole body. After hiding them for so long, she didn't realise how sensitive they were.

Then, [Name] spoke. She stayed in his arms, her face buried in his chest. She told Hak everything, hiccuping in between her words, not wanting to cry in front of him again. She told him about her conversation with Ik-Soo the previous day and how she had the blood of a dragon in her, and what happened to her wings. The only thing she didn't speak of was her 'curse', which she didn't know much about herself. It felt nice, finally being able to tell someone her secrets. 

Well, some of them.

[ Not edited. ]

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