Chapter 14: Date?

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Jaehee's P.O.V.

Yes! Finally, It's Saturday! Which means no classes, no blabbering teachers, no homeworks, no DONA! Just pure FUN! Yeay! I really am glad, it's weekend.. ‘cause I'm a little traumatized about what Dona did to me yesterday. Damn! She's a demon.. I can't believe she would actually going to let me drown on the pool. Am I that irritating to her and to their relationship? What does she think of me, a slut like her? Aigoo..

I'm just really thankful to Kai, that he came to pool area just to save me.. I can't believe, he run and looked for me then he saved me.. Kai's such a nice friend, right? Just because he saved me, doesn't mean he likes me.. Of course, he's my friend. He saved me because we're friends.. Nothing more than that. Okay, Jaehee? I thought to myself.

I was fiddling my phone when suddenly I received a new message. It's from Kai. I immediately read it. I don't know how his phone number got here, but who cares? That's not important anymore.

From: Kai

«“Hey Jaehee.”»

To: Kai

«“Hi, Kai. What's up? :)”» I texted him back.

From: Kai

«“Would you like to go to the coffee shop with me?”» He replied, after just a split second.

What the—.. Is he asking me on a date? *blush* .. But isn't it too fast? Like.. yeah, I think these things are happening too fast.. What's going on? I asked to myself, quite confused.

Kai's P.O.V.

“Kai, where were you yesterday? You and Jaehee missed the whole class..” Baekhyun said, suspiciously. “Are you together, yesterday?”

“Yeah. Are guys together? Owww, our little Kai is hiding secrets from us now.” Chanyeol butted in, pouting his lips.

I just didn't answer them and closed my eyes for a second. Aish, why are these hyungs so childish?

“Kai! Answer us, already! Do you like Jaehee? Did you guys make out at the restroom yesterday during class?” Baekhyun asked, running some erotic scenes in his mind.

I quickly opened my eyes and shrieked. “What the hell?! I'm not like that, okay?” I answered, while glancing at the both of them. “Let's just say, Jaehee and I were together yesterday but we didn't make out like the way you're thinking, Baekhyun?” I shooted back.

Both of them were years older than me, but I don't do such formalities. It's not my thing. XD Haha.

“Okay.. But do you like Jaehee?” Chanyeol asked, wiggling his brows.

I just smirked a little and said “Yes” quickly as quick as the lightning.

“Ohhhhhhh~” They both chorused, looking at each other.

“So what are you waiting for Kai? Ask her on date today!” Chanyeol said, as he took my phone from the table and fiddled it. “Here. I saved her number on your phone. Go text her already.” He said, as he handed me my phone. Wait, how the hell did he get Jaehee's phone number? Is he a stalker? Aigoo, just ignore it Kai and text Jaehee right now. I thought.

To: Jaehee

«“Hey Jaehee.”» and sent! I really do hope, she reply.

From: Jaehee

«“Hi, Kai. What's up? :)”» She replied. Yes!

To: Jaehee

«“Would you like to go to the coffee shop with me?”» *sigh* I really want to ask that question before, and now.. thank god! I finally have the courage to asked that to her. I hope she says YES!

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