Part 3

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Geno's P.O.V
I carried on staring at the creature in front of me trembling in his presence, something about made me scared, like really Really scared. Yet from what I could see of his fetchers he was I dunno kinda hot I guess.
When I realised what I just thought to myself a small blue blush dusted my face. I decided to speak.
"W-wh... um w-who are y-you." I managed to stutter out god I must have looked like a fool.

I looked across at the annoying thing and said through gritted teeth "names reaper."
And looked back into nothingness.
I had a ache in my back so I tried to get rid of it by punching it several times, it didn't work. I then took a quick glance at the monster who asked my name and he looked too. Our eyes connected like fire and water. Nether looked away. Either of us wanted to break the uneary staring competition...

I stared into his eyes, god he was beautiful, wait what no no I can't think that I only just met the guy I can't like him. I decided to speak again but I never broke eye contact "*gulp* wh-what are d-doing here?" Why was I stuttering so much I barley new the guy and I had already become flustered while talking to him I must look so stupid to him. Wait why do I care what he thinks of me, Yeah I don't care about this stranger.

I laughed. "Wouldn't you like to know." The poor innocent creature don't know I was trying to kill him. So small, so simple, so frickin cute. Wait what am I saying!
I hit myself several times and drew out my knife and poked a few holes in my bones. I shrugged my shoulder and looked at him from the corner of my eye. "I kill monsters.".

My eyes widened when he said that. He, he kills monsters. No wonder he had such a dark ora. I shot up from my place on the floor and took a step back "a-are you going to kill me" I grow a little bit more confident not stuttering as much as I did " coz if you are then listen here buddy...." my left eye began to flare a dark red and blue " I Die When I Say I Die!" I tried to look tough but on the inside I was terrified my bones rattled ever so slightly but not enough to show.

I was shocked at the sudden change in his personality I spoke calmly. "Yes I was going to kill you but, there is like this real dark magic that's not letting me kill ya." I looked away from him and found out that I was talking to myself.

Ok now I was mad but still slightly scared.
This guy wanted to kill me. Well I'm not going to let him get away with even attempting to do so, but for some reason I don't really want to kill him. I stood in an attack stance, then I materialised some bones around me and pointed them at reaper. "Leave." I said in as harsh a tone as I could muster, which wasn't very harsh, it came out as if I was a teenage boy who's voice just cracked.

I looked at him. He really had guts yet, he didn't know that I wasn't going to fight him but, simply touch him. "Don't wanna leave, this is my job, gotta do it right ain't I or I get punished." I asked him "What's ya name?"

I was thrown back by this, it's his job to kill monsters, what type of job is that. A-and he gets PUNished (sorry or the pun) if he doesn't do his job,
t-that must be rough. I lowered my attack and it disappeared spent magic floated to the ground. I stayed stunned for a few seconds processing what he had said before I remembered that he had asked me for my name. "Oh umm my name is Geno".
His face showed a look of amusement as he said
"Mmm Geno as in Genocide?"
I looked down pointedly avoiding eye contact I really didn't like my past to many.Bad memories. "yeah" my voice was small on the edge of a whisper. I really didn't like my full name .Genocide.

I like that. Genocide was a pretty good name. Better than my name reaper wow whoever named me that can die for all I care an example
Monster: " Oh are you called Raper
Me: " actually for you information it's reaper
Monster: " but your real name is raper."
Me: touches monster "goodbye imboceil."
I sighed a long sigh it didn't have much feeling in it as I was tired and wanted to get back to my own au
but I couldn't kill him.
No I wouldn't. But if I don't I get hurt. Meh oh well life's never happy, nothing goes the way you want it to.
I looked in my open pockets and took out my laced gloves with magic circling around them constantly. I slipped my boney fingers into the finger compartments. I did the same with the  other one. Covering my scars. I got up and looked to see if Geno was still there. Of course he was. I went over and put my gloved hand around his skinny waist and said. "Kid you've had a hard time I can tell but you gotta take what life gives ya it's pointless just sittin there doing nout you need to do somet
Anything but not sittin."

I was flustered by the sudden contact and blushed a little. my eyes darted around the nothingness for a while not really wanted I contact. I gave up looking at the blackness, it was getting kind of disorienting. I sighed looking up in to his eye. He was the most gorgeous monster I had ever see, so handsome, so strong, so perfect, so dreamy~. Wait no I only just met him I can't like him just like that I barely know him. I sighed again leaning into his touch hanging my head low. "what else is there to do here?"

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