Part 8

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Reaper's P.O.V
I was really happy that Geno was excited about the new soul and he loved my random name idea. Funny, Goth really is a mixture of mine and his names. It really shocked me thinking that I was going to soon be a dad. My gloves would have to be on all the time unless... there might be away to stop me killing people but, that will probably never happen besides I can't look after myself let alone a baby so there would be no point but at least... Oh hell. OH FRICKING HELL! That half of my soul I put in Geno might be the bad side...
I could be free...

I relaxed into Reaper's chest smiling softly before walking a few meters away and sitting on the black ground. I smiled at him gently before looking back to face forward opening what looked like a portal staring into snowdin, there must have been another rest if Frisk was back there, it seemed to a pacifist timeline one of my personal favourites.

I watched as Geno left me and sat on the ground staring into snowdin. I wonder if I should find some way of getting Geno out of here. It no place to raise a kid. Yet I think that would be next to impossible. But there might be a way. I'll have to go ask my sources which means leaving Geno for a short while but, what with the new soul I don't think I should. Not just yet. I said to Geno
"So when do you think it will happen, he new soul and all that stuff and urrr are you um Ok?" I asked as having little experience with talking to people as well, I normally kill them.

"I'm not sure when it's ready but not for at least a week and yes I'm fine. Why do you ask?" I answered taking my eyes away from the screen and looking at Reaper, he was incredibly handsome, every thing about him was perfect down to the last indent in his bone I smiled at him before turning back to the screen. To think of it he probably wanted to leave, I wouldn't blame him, it got boring here and he probably had people who loved him back where ever he came from.

"You think people love me huh, well you're wrong there, all I have is death and he's horrible." Geno must of found me quite disturbing and off putting as I read his mind. Oh well I have plenty more of that but later. And I have a week hmm. I could go I guess. It is pretty boring here...

I hung my head low "I'm sorry you think that way" I said quietly I felt bad for him thinking that no one loves him. I got up and walked over to him bringing him into a loveing embrace
"I love you"

I connected into the hug feeling every happy moment go past me (that's not very many)  I loved Geno with a passion. He always made me feel happy and complete. Even though the save screen was incredibly boring and quiet Geno brightened it up. He was like a lightbulb in a dark room, a firefly with its family. He always made me so happy. I love you too. I kissed him with all my strength but it wasn't a horrible feeling it was a sensational atmosphere I could taste his lips and feel them when I clamped down onto his. It felt amazing and perfect. Nothing could be better than this...

I leaned into the kiss, I could taste his lips(?) they were so soft and warm. I loved Reaper with all my soul and wished it could stay like this forever...
I slowly broke away from the kiss and looked down I couldn't look him in the eyes       "you should probably leave for a bit" I managed to choke out in a smallest voice I could muster. I opened my moth as if yo say more on the subject but to then only close it and dig my head into his strong chest.

I lifted Geno's head up with my gloved hands and looked him in the eyes. I then kissed him with so much passion. "I don't want to leave you Geno but I'm going it find a way to get you out of here, it ain't no place to raise a kid! but, I'll be quick I promise." I gave him a long hug and lots of kisses I then teleported to my boss, ready for the wrath to start.
Nothing happened.
He just sort of stared at me and said, "your fired." My heart skipped a beat. Does this mean I'm free...

I watched as Reaper left teleporting probably back to his own Au. It must be nice being able to move from universe to universe.
My knees hit the ground with a loud thunk when I fell to the floor, my soul feeling heavier  like the new soul, or should I say Goth, was pulling on it. I just lay on the ground crying a little constantly repeating 'he's gonna come back soon, he's gonna come back soon, he's gonna come back soon' in my head to calm my self down. It was cold on the ground, it was cold every where now that Reaper was gone.
"Sigh" a sigh escaped me. Pregnant, alone in a black void yaaaaay.

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