Part 15

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Reaper's P.O.V
my mood abruptly changed to almost angry and stubborn. Before I was about to say no way, I realised that Geno had a point, Goth couldn't live on air he needed nutrients. On the other hand, how could I possibly leave Geno, I just couldn't. I looked at Goth he was so thin and pale and then at Geno who was trying to hide his tears. I was torn between the two if only Geno could come out of the save screen, everything would be so much better and easier. I had to make the right decision and as much as it hurt I had to agree to what Geno had said. "your right... but I won't be long I promise. you'll be ok, right? if anything hurts you I'll find them and kill me, I won't let anything happen to you, Geno you and Goth mean everything to be ok, we'll go now we won't be long, I promise. I held my hand out to Geno and he clasped it weakly I then scooped up Goth. I murmured "I love you." to Geno gave him a quick kiss as not to show my tears slowly dripping onto the blank ground and then I and Goth were gone - going to find some food. Geno would be safe. wouldn't he?

I watched as Reaper a Goth left the save screen leaving me here my forced smile being drowned in tears,
"hAaHAHa, TheY ReALy dId leAve yOU. TibIA HoNesT I thouGHT REApEr wouLd hAVE puT up MORe oF a FIght." The glitched voice from behind me rang in my skull, I fell to my knees. My tears fell into puddle around me I couldn't see, but I knew what was happening,
"Just get it over with." my voice was quiet, I might not be but the ones I love will be safe.
More glitched laughter came from behind me the threat,
"So eAgER~," He said, his voice jumping around "aS yOU wISh." As soon as he said that the sound of something whizzing past me echoed for a second before a tightness in my squeezed hard squeezing it before I was lifted into the air my feet dangling down below. The cut on my chest displayed to the darkness and of course to my attacker.
The strings he had wrapped around my soul started to pull toying with my life like a game.
In this moment I thought back to when I first met Reaper, the time we spent together, the child we made, I wasn't getting out of this alive but they will, Goth will grow up live his life and find love of his own and Reaper, he is free now he can love again even if it takes him some time.
As the strings pull tighter to the brink of shattering my soul I ask to do something I should have done when I died the first time,
"Error! Please! If I'm going to die let me do it myself!"
He paused the blue strings going lax before he started into hysterical laughter,
"WeLl i'Ve NEVer haD tHis BeFore sO wHy noT. Go knOck YouR sElF oUT." He relaxed the strings allowing me to tug on them but didn't release me.
I tore away at my soul, tears streaming down my face put a smile as real as can be plastered on my face, for the future, for Reaper's future, for Goth's future.
For living, for death.

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