Four: Bite

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I'm sitting in the lost classroom,which I had found. I got lectured on how I was late but shook it off. I feel bad for making John late to class. I barely know the dude and I'm worrying about him. I sigh and start to sink further into my thoughts.

"We'll still be friends when the game ends right?" EB asked. "Definitely,dude,"I had replied. Even though I had no idea how,I still had hope it was possible.

I loved talking to that nerd. He made me smile with his goofy personality. I knew more about him then his bio said,because he told me. Not anything personal,just simple stuff. Like how he doesn't like cake and loves pranks. We lost touch after the game. I never heard from him or the female that talked to me either. We kept our named secret but I know he lives in Washington somewhere.

"Mr. Strider! Please pay attention!,"The teacher shouted,bringing me back into the cold reality.

Memory-A moment of reality you miss or regret.

"And please,take off those weird sunglasses," No. "I can't miss. My eyes are sensitive to light,"I lied. She rolled her eyes and continued with the lesson. Nice save Dave.

The bell rang, making me jump.

"Don't lie to me TG," "Im not lying. Ill still be here when it ends,"I promised.

I walk through the hallways, crowded with high teenagers and tired teachers that are probably high also. Well, they look like it. Then I see John. His shortness is like an elf against the giants. His raven hair somehow stands out. His blue eyes is like the never ending beautiful ocean. "Hey Dave!," I jump and look over to see Jade smiling wide. John soon stood himself next to her. "Do you wanna come with me and John to get ice cream?,"She asks excitedly. "sure,Jade. Why not?,"I reply. Jade squeals and John just rolls his pretty blue eyes.

Then he looks back into my shaded ones. Confusion filled his. I felt my stomach churn and butterflies flew violently in my stomach. "what?,"He asked cruelly. "John!,"Jade scolded. "Let's go,"She said annoyed. "uhm uh,actually, I'd rather go home,"John says awkwardly. "John! You cant! We always do this to-,"Jade was cut off by John. "to keep my mom with us. I know. I just can't do it today,"He finished and looked at the ground. "okay. We'll just all go to the house! Let's go Dave!,"She grabbed both of our arms and pulled us toward a direction.

(Time ship brought to you by: my left foot.)

We walked into the homey building and I instantly smelled baked sweets. "we're home!,"Jade shouts. "and with Daaaave!,"She continues to shout. "Have they kissed yet!?,"Someone asked from the kitchen. "Jane shush!,"Jade yells at her. I hadn't noticed that John had started to walk upstairs to his room. I followed him quickly up the stairs and into a room. He turned around to see me and jumped. "I'm sorry. You're cousin was kinda yelling at someone and I want to keep my head,"I said. He gave out a small smile before frowning again and walking to his book shelf. "I sat down on his bed without permission and just watched his movement. He wasn't looking through books though. He's skimming through CDs aligning the first shelf. "um, Dave?,"
"why do you try to be my friend?,"He asked.
His sudden question startled me. "why not?, " I question.

"Because I'm not the best person to be friends with,"He answered. "why is that?,"I ask.
"I don't know,"He simply answers. He grabs a CD from the shelf and places it in the radio on his dark, blue desk.

"what do you play this game on?," I asked EB. "my computer sitting on my blue desk. Duh,"He remarked. A laugh following after. "smart ass,"I laugh. "dude. But why blue. Red is way better.," "I've got to disagree with you on that one TG,".

I was brought out of my thoughts by Papa roach playing loudly in the room.

I'll push you away until you beg me to stay.

I never expected him to be a papa roach type. "I like this song,"I say loudly through the music.

Just for the thrill of the chase. You got me
Fucked in the head from all the things that we did. But I will never forget I'll need you, my medication.

We just sat on his bed listening to the deep lyric meanings. There was a knock on the door shortly after the song ended and the radio stopped playing. John got up and completely walked out the door. This dude really is weird.

I walked into the kitchen to hear laughing. A familiar laughter rang through the kitchen. But who could it be?

I walk downstairs,leaving Dave in my room. I go into the kitchen and see a batter covered Jade,she's pouting. I let out a laugh which makes everyone in the kitchen look at me and smile. I kept a small smile on my face. Dave comes into the room shortly after and laughs harder then I was. Soon everyone was laughing and covering one another with pancake batter. I won in the end. I grabbed the whole bowl and poured it on Dave.

That night wasn't to bad. I forgot about my troubles. But they'll return.

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