Open minds chapter 6

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YO yo mamma Mello here it's been toooo long. Merry Christmas. Happy holidays or whatever you celebrate. Hope you were surrounded by loved ones and your weird family and friends 


SMACK! I hit the ground dropping my book and busting my knee. I sat there for a sec and dusted myself off before getting up. Man I really need to pay attention more.

"You alright?" Someone behind me asked. I turned around to face them. It was the pink haired guy from school.

"Yes thank you for asking. I probably shouldn't read while walking." I said laughing to myself slightly.

"Yeah well you should be careful." He agreed with me.

"You're right. I'm Lucy." I said extending my arm

"Natsu." He said shaking my hand.

"We should get going." I said turning back around to walk. He walked with me and we made our way to school.

We didn't talk much the entire walk. I'll be honest I'm super shy id rather not talk to people.

We said bye once we got to school and parted ways to our lockers then crossed paths again in science....yay....

At lunch I was walking through the cafeteria to the library. I didn't have lunch today, not enough money. It was common of me to skip lunch or breakfast here and there. But never twice in the same day. I knew it wasn't exactly healthy but I didn't think it was a big deal.

"LUCY!" someone yelled my name. My face turned red and I looked around. Seeing Natsu waving me over to him. A couple people around him were looking too. Not knowing what to do I sped walked toward the exit. I could feel people's eyes burning holes in my back like a magnifying glass. I was so focused on getting out that I ran into someone knocking myself and the person over. The persons coffee spilled all down my shirt. Great.....

"..I'm so sorry." I said getting up quickly and extending my hand to help her up. It was the white haired girl from the bathroom... Even better...

"Get away oh my God  ugh you spilled my coffee, great just great." She said getting up and storming off. I looked around the cafeteria. 99% of people were staring at me. My face flushed red and instead of the library I walked toward the girls locker room to get a different shirt. I didn't have extra clothes but maybe the gym teacher did. I asked her and I got a white t shirt that was way too big and smelled like sweat. I sped walked to my locker to get some perfume and deodorant to deodorize the shirt and a hair tie to make the shirt smaller. It was better then nothing right?

The bell rang which meant it was time for fourth period. My study hall. The constantly hot room with people who only mess around and don't do work. I sighed closing my locker, walking to my study hall I saw the white haired girl and quickened my pace before she could see me.

Once in the classroom I sat down in the desk closest to the door. Teacher took role and I took out my sketchbook and started drawing well doodling I wasn't really a drawer. Or at least I didn't consider myself one.
I heard someone sit in the desk in front of me. Pink hair. Must be Natsu. But he wasn't in this class. I was puzzled and didn't realize I was staring at him and that he turned around.
He handed me a note which confused me even more. I opened it.

Hi saw what happened at lunch. I'm sorry that happened. Lisana was just in a bad mood. I hope it didn't ruin your day.

Why was he so concerned. I barely knew him. What's he planning. Not wanting to be rude I wrote back

thanks for your concern

I passed the note back and continued drawing.

Sorry about the short ish chapter got a little distracted halfway through and I'm having a small writers block

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