Open Minds Chapter 11

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Lucy's POV

Sitting in class before lunch was agonizing. My anxiety was through the roof. What if I embarrassed myself? What if it's weird that I don't have food? What if Lisana sits with them?
The "what ifs" corrupted my mind and made me feel sick.
I knew the situation with Lisana that happened at lunch was all over. People even asked me about it. It was terrible.

Ring ring

"Oh uh class dismissed, see you all tomorrow." My teacher exclaimed as everyone hoisted their bags over their shoulders and walked out into the halls. I was the last to leave.
"Wait Lucy." I heard her say
"Uh yes." I said turning around. Did I do something wrong? What was up?
"I wanted to let you know that you are an excellent student and I hope this school doesn't tear you apart." She admitted.
What was this about? Did she some how know about Lisana or my dad? No of course not no one knew about him.
"Thank you." I said stunned.
"I thought I was in trouble." I admitted nervously laughing.
"No of course not." She said laughing a bit too.
"I uh better go" I said walking backwards then forwards out into the Hall to my locker.

Do I just walk up to them? What do I say? What if they don't like me? More what ifs. Walking into the cafeteria my heart pounded. Why was I so worked up about it? I didn't see Natsu there yet so I waited. I probably looked awkward. I kept walking back and forth in the same general area before I saw natsu.
I hesitated before I started toward him. He saw me and smiled. His big toothy grin. I didn't realize it but I started to smile too. He made me smile....

I saw Lucy walking toward me and I smiled at her. She smiled back and I was hit with a wave of happiness. I didn't understand what about her that drew me to her.
"Hey Lucy have a seat" I said sitting down at our table. She sat down across from grey and I. More of my friends started showing up.
"Lucy this is Gajeel." I said pointing at Gajeel. 
"He has the hots foooor" I said scanning the cafeteria for this short blue haired bookworm.
"Her!" I exclamied. "her name's like levi or something." I said
"Levy" Gajeel corrected me
"Yeah yeah okay the point is you like her." I rebuttaled
"Aw yes Lucy this is Jellal." I said introducing her to jellal
"Hey jellal where's Erza?" I asked. Erza was his girlfriend and it embarrassed him. Mostly because Erza was class president and kind of a goody two shoes.
"You know she has student council." He said staring at me burning his retnas into me. Sheesh scary much.
"Well uh she sounds nice." Lucy said shyly.
I hope I'm not making her uncomfortable.
"So Lucy, got anything good for lunch?" I asked her. Noticing she didn't have anything in front of her but a book.
"I don't think a book is a very healthy meal." Grey said jokingly.
"Uh yeah haha you're right." She laughed nervously.
Idiot grey she's new here.
"So uh Lucy play any sports?" Jellal asked.
"Uh no I guess not" she said. "not really a sports person."
"Fair enough." He said pleased with her answer. He only played basketball with us where as Gajeel only played football with us.  Grey however played almost every sport.
"So Blondie where ya from??" Gajeel asked her.
"Uh not here." She said nervously. I could tell she didn't want to talk about her old home. So I tried to quickly change the subject.
"Any after school clubs?" I asked.
"Well no not yet?" She admitted. "Haven't found any I guess." She answered.

We kept talking for a while with Lucy. Grey made some smart ass questions and Gajeel was well Gajeel. Jellal didn't talk much. He was quiet without Erza.
I noticed that she still didn't eat any lunch before leaving so I ran to the school store and bought her three sandwiches. I mean I didn't know what she liked or didn't like. I figured I could give them to her in class.

Lucy's POV

Lunch with natsu was interesting. His friends seemed nice and I guess a couple weren't there. So I still had more to meet. It went better than I thought. But they did notice my lack of food. I think they forgot though. I went to my locker to get my sketchbook since I didn't like carrying it with me. Worried someone would take it. As I was closing my locker natsu appeared out of thin air.
"Hey Lucy I noticed you didn't eat so I got you these." He said handing me prepackaged sandwhiches.
"I uh didn't know what you liked or didn't like so I got you all the options they had." He said rubbing his neck nervously.
"Oh uh thanks. Sorry I'm just a little shocked. " I said trying not to be rude.
"I just didn't want you to be hungry you know.* He said being a little more serious
"Thank you" I said. Thank you natsu Dragneel for noticing me.

Little bit longer chapter you're welcome 🤣

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