Open minds Chapter 7

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"Yo dude" Grey said patting my shoulder after practice.
"Hey man" I said stretching.
"Locked out tonight? Wanna come to my house?" He asked.
"Nah my windows open." I said. Usually he isn't this concerned. Maybe he's bored.
"You sure I could give you a ride." he insisted
"No it's okay I like walking. Helps me chill out." I said spraying water on my face.
"So you know that girl at lunch?" He asked
"Yeah Lucy."
"Yeah her. I heard a pretty gnarly rumor about her." Grey said
"Yeah. What is it?" I asked
"I'll text you about it later I gotta go." He said leaving
I eventually left too. And started my walk home.

9:38 I read the bright flourecent digits on my wrist watch. That means Sarah locked the door so I was climbing in through my window. I sighed and kept walking. I heard voices in the distance. Like fighting? A faint argument?
I thought about Lucy. Maybe I should stop by her house and see how she's doing or not she might be asleep or busy. The voices got louder the closer I got. I got closer to Lucy's house and realized the voices were coming from her house.

Who was he? Why was he yelling? Was he hurting her? What was happening? I walked up to the front door to knock and check in but contradicted myself. She's probably fine just got in an argument. I decided to continue home and check up on her the next day.

When I got  home I climbed up the trellis to my window. Once inside I walked out and down stairs quietly to get my food. God forbid if I woke anyone up I'd be murdered on sight.
"I need my beauty sleep natsu!" They'd screech. Yeah yeah whatever no one cares. Not like it's gonna help with your looks.

I was watching the microwave plate move in circles while my food heated up.

Buzz buzz
Buzz buzz

My phone vibrated bringing me out if my trance. It was Grey of course. I almost forgot he said he'd text me. I grabbed my food and a fork and headed back up to my room quietly to not wake the "sleeping beauties"
I sat at my desk and texted Grey back. Eating my food.

Natsu and Grey's conversation

Grey: wanna hear the rumour?
Natsu: yeah sure. Just don't talk about it too much noatter what it is.
Grey: yeah okay. I know rumours are bad. Blah blah blah. Anyway. Someone told me that her and lisana used to be best friends in elementary school.
Natsu : pff grey are you smoking shit cause you must be on something. Lisana moved here in fourth grade. That just wouldn't make sense.
Grey : I know it's silly but come on think about it.
Natsu: that doesn't make sense cause then lisana would have been way nicer to Lucy. And Lucy would have recognized her.
Grey I see what you're saying. I'm gonna eat and sleep. See you tomorrow. Hot head.
Natsu yeah you too stripper.

I finished my dinner and sighed. Scrolling through Instagram I saw people talking about Lisana and what happened at lunch. I bet it was all over Snapchat and Facebook. Poor Lucy. I thought staring out my window.

Short chapter sorry. I know not a lot of people havent read this book yet so I felt sort of discouraged. But I don't want to be a quiter so I'm back. Mama mellos here have no fear.

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