Open minds chapter 4

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Yo yo yo it's mama Mello a little twist last chapter with natsus POV. He really does care about Wendy. Did you enjoy his POV or should, I keep it strictly LUCYS??

I finished filling out the paper work and took it to the school early the next morning. Mirajane was there of course and smiled at me. We got my schedule set up and she walked me to my first class.
She introduced me to the teacher and I guess I was twenty minutes early so Mirajane showed me the rest of my classes and gave me s mini tour. Then walked me back to my first class where my teacher introduced me.
"Gooood early early morning class hope your ready to start the new school year off right. I'll be your zero period Science 2 teacher I am Mr. Gild arts, or Mr.G. We have a new student this year and just in time for the new school year. Please welcome her with open minds. Lucy stand up please."
I stood up and introduced myself and sat back down. Mr Gildarts handed out class expectations and what our year plan is. He pretty much just talked the entire time. He was cut off by the bell. He stopped me on my way out.
"Lucy what's your first period?"he asked
"Uhh algebra 2 with Mr Lanto." I said
"Anyone here have mr Lanto next?" He asked the kids who were stilling packing up.
"Me." Someone raised there hand and said. He had strangely pink hair.
"Aw yes Natsu. Now don't scare the girl and get her to class on time please." Mr Gildarts said making me uneasy.
"Yes yeah." Natsu said throwing his back pack on his shoulder. I followed him out and down the hall. A lot of people said hi to him. He must be popular I  thought. Once we got to class we found our seats and Mr. Lanto took role and did the same things mr Gildarts did. Talk talk talk, parle, parle,parle. I noticed Natsu and some boy with dark dark dark blue hair were snickering and passing notes. I looked forward as Natsu looked at me. I pretended like k was t looking at him.
"Hey you two in the back wanna tell us what the big news is that's interrupting me on the first day." He said crossing his arms and leaning on his desk.
"Uuuuuuuh" they both looked at each other.
"Well you see some guy broke his wrist during practice yesterday" the one boy said
"And I was telling Grey that my sister thought it was funny." Natsu said.
The teacher sighed "don't interrupt my class again please." He said irritated. Shortly after the bell rang. I was scared of mr Lanto so I just left and didn't ask where I was going. It was my Art class and I was completely lost. I got swallowed into the deep waved of the hallway and had no idea where to go. As the hall started to thing out the bell rang and my heart dropped. I was late for my third class of the day. I was late for art. On the first day. Jeez get it together Lucy. I kept walking and there was a teacher in the hall. No not a teacher. A girl I saw her turn and go into the girls bathroom so I followed maybe she could help me. Right when I was walking in I heard the worst noise ever.
Was this girl dying oh my god. I rushed in and asked "are you okay in there?" I walked over to the stall.
"I'm fine go away!" She said rudely.
"No your sick. You should go to the nurse." I said worriedly
"No I'm not I'm not sick!" She opened the stall and yelled at me. She has short white hair and blue eyes. Kind of like Mirajane the office lady. I heard footsteps in the hallway and someone opening the door. It was a teacher.
"You two get to class. You're late" she said looking angry. The white haired girl quickly left and I looked at the teacher.
"I uh don't know where I'm going I'm sorry I'm new." I said so fast she probably didn't hear me.
"Oh I didn't know my apologies." She said looking at my schedule.
"Oh sweetie this is downstairs let me take you." She said and I followed her out the bathroom down the hall. Down some stairs and to the class.
She knocked on the door and the art teacher came to the door. The teacher was a very very short old lady. "Someone got turned all around hope it's not a problem." The teacher with me explained.
"Not at all you must be  Lucy I'm Mrs. Burke go ahead and pick a seat." She said shutting the door. There were seven other kids in this class. How? Even at my old school it was small and a there were more kids in my art class. I was astonished.

Well that'll do it for this chapter hope you enjoyed. Mama Mello loves you 💙

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