open minds chapter 12

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Lucy's POV
Natsu cares. He noticed me. No one ever notices me.
I walked toward the library since I didn't want to go home quiet yet. I said hello to the librarian and went to my corner. I found an almost empty spot between some bookshelves in the corner of the wall. I sat down put my ear buds in and drifted away in my book.....


I was going to practice after school with Grey and Loke when I saw Lucy walking down the hall toward the library. I knew she'd probably be there.
"Would you quit staring at the blonde." Loke said smirking at me
"Oh whatever Loke you just wish she'd look at you, you perv." I said
"Okay laddies laddies you're both pretty." Grey said laughing.
"Idiot." I said under my breathe and opened the door to the guys locker room.
"Whatever flame brain you know you like her." Grey said teasing me.
"Yeah whatever stripper."
Real good friends I know right. We had football practice so we had to get all our gear on and warm up.
I always hated warming up. I wonder how Lucy's doing. Hope she knows the library closes early today. I'm sure the librarian will kick her out eventually...

Lucy's POV
I pulled out one of the sandwiches on my way out of the library. I really gotta remember the schedule. It was pb and and strawberry jelly. Yum the best sandwich. I really enjoyed sandwiches they were my favorite. Eating the sandwich made me think of natsu. I wonder what he was doing. He probably had practice today. It was Friday so I had a while to be out. I decided to go to my spot since it wasn't dark out yet and was still pretty warm.  Walking around the side of the building I saw lisana and some other goods. Shit. Maybe if i kept walking they wouldn't notice me. I kept my head down and walked passed them. No eye contact. I sighed a sigh of relief after getting to my spot. I pulled out my book and continued reading. I was on the last chapter sadly.
Not noticing that lisana and her "friends" we're standing in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" She demanded
"Uh reading." I answered
"Oh we got a book worm girls." She said
One of the other girls stepped closer to me so I stood up too.
"Is there a problem?" I asked
"Yes. You're here." The girl closest to me answered.
"I was here first. I'm not bothering anyone." I said standing up for myself. Natsu gave me confidence I didn't know I had.
"Excuse me." Lisana said staring hard at me. Like if she said the words I could explode.
"Excuse you. You can go find a different parking lot to sit around and gossip in. Now if you'll excuse me I was reading" I said holding up my book.
"Haha the little worm thinks she can stand up for herself?" Lisana spat.
"Do it." She ordered and the other two girls got closer to me.
"Back off." I snarled back. One snatched my book from me and held it high in the air.
"Careful that's from the library!" I said reaching for it.
"Oh no from the library." Lisana mocked.
The other girl grabbed my arms and held them behind my back.
"Let me go. There's no reason to do this." I said.
"Yes there is." Lisana said smiling. The girl threw the book at me hard hitting me in the chest.
"Ow what the hell." I said.
"Quiet you wouldnt want anyone to hear." She said smiling more. "again"
The girl threw it again hitting me in the face.
Maybe if I didn't make a noise they'd stop.
I was wrong a couple more wacks and tearing every page out of the book and shredding it up. Then they we're done.
She let me go kicked me and they left. I sat there waiting for them to leave before I started balling.
Why me? Why now? Why here?
I picked up the papers and stuffed them in my bag along with the beat up cover.

   ~the next day

"Wendy Wendy Wendy!" I whisper yelled trying to wake Wendy up. I wanted to take her shopping today since I got paid.
"What natsu I'm sleeping." She said rolling over.
"We can go to Barnes and Noble today maybe get a new book or two..." I said
"Or I could just go hang out with the guys..." "Fine if I have to." She said sarcastically
"Thats my wendy." I said. "I'll let you get ready meet me out front." I said leaving her room. I hoped that Jessica and Sarah didn't hear me. They wouldn't let us leave if they knew I was taking her out to do something fun.
I walked down stairs ready to leave and saw them in the kitchen talking.
"Morning natsu." Jessica snarled
"Morning." I said back not wanting to talk.
"Going somewhere?" Sarah asked.
"Just taking wendy to practice with me." I said lying. Wouldn't be the first time I've liked to her.
"Oh I see." She said sipping her coffee. She was up to something. I couldn't tell what. Maybe I was just being paranoid. Wendy came down ready and we left.

"You locked your door right?" I asked her.
"Of course." She said
"Good sarah was giving off a weird vibe." I said shuttering
"Yeah I could tell." She said.
We walked for a while. The store was about a 30 minute walk from our house so it wasn't too bad. Besides I liked doing this with Wendy every once in a while. She deserved it.
"So natsu how's "practice?" Wendy asked sarcastically.
"Oh shut up you know you like going to "practice" with me." I said messing with her hair.
"Hey I actually tried to look decent today." She huffed.
"Oh my bad. Who you trying to impress?" I asked teasing her.
"Whatever natsu." She said embarrassed
"Oh Wendy you know I love you." I said  laughing.

Wendy was gone as soon as we walked into the store. Not surprising. I walked over to the coffee place and saw Levy.
"Hey levy, how's Gajeel?" I asked.
"Oh uh he's good." She said blushing a little.
"Kidding kidding. Can I get the usual please?" I asked.
"So not working today, shame I could use the company." She joked.
"Ha no I'm spending the day with Wendy." I said
"Oh dissapeared as soon as you got here?" She asked making my coffee
"You know it." I said "I don't know where she gets it."
"Does it matter. It's good for her." She said.
"Yeah you're right." I admitted
"So anything for Wendy?" She asked
"Uhh got any of those muffins she likes?" I asked
"Yeah blueberry okay?" She asked
"Yeah thats perfect. Can she get that drink too. You know the one uhhh.." I blanked
"A steamer?" Levy asked not surprised I forgot.
"Yeah that." I said laughing a little.
"Okay your total with be 11.50$" she said punching stuff into the register.
I handed her fifteen dollars since I only had a ten and a five.
"Okay heres your change aaand your food enjoy." She said smiling handing me my food.
"Thanks levy. See you Monday right?" I asked.
"Haha you wish sucker. I got book club." She said "come on you know this." She teased
"When can Wendy join again?" I asked
"When shes a freshmen sorry natsu." She said
"Well darn. See ya levy." I waved goodbye and went to our usual spot to wait for Wendy.

I pulled my phone out to see a text from grey.

Grey You at Barnes and Noble?
Natsu yeah. What's up
Grey nothing I was gonna see if you wanted to go out later with Gajeel and the gang.
Natsu yeah maybe I gotta come up with an excuse for Sarah though.
Grey make it a good one flame brain

Well let's see. I thought about possible excuses. 
I was studying at the library. No it's only the first week of school.
Had practice. No already used that
uhhh was helping someone move. No I used that last week. I laid my head on the table. Why can't I think of anything. I came to the conclusion that my only option was to sneak out. Oh well.....

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