boring weekend pt 1

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More silence.

"Hyung, I'm bored."

"Go play with Hobi, Kookie. Hyung's busy."

"But Hobi-hyung's at his dance studio."

"The twins?"

"They're with Namjoon-hyung at the beach."

"How about Yoongi?"

"Eh, probably sleeping."

"Sorry, Kookie, I can't play today. Hyung's got a lot of paperwork to finish."

Jungkook pouted and laid face first on Jin's bed. He stayed still and kept quiet while his hyung got busy with unfinished work. The sound of paper and pen scratching can be heard throughout the silent bedroom.

It was the weekend, and yet Jungkook was bored out of his mind. His hyungs were all busy or out of town and that leaves him to himself.

"Why don't you go do your homework?"

Jin asked as he continued signing some letters and slips. Student activities required all sorts of letters and permits and that left Seokjin with a bunch of papers to sign. Jaehwan did half of the work, making Seokjin feel grateful towards his vice president.

"Hhmmfffmm ffmmm hmmfmm hhmmff."

"What did you say, Kookie?"

"Hmmffmmm Mmfffmm."

"Look, JK, I don't speak muffle talk."

Jungkook lifted his face and answered his hyung.

"I said, I did my homework last night. There weren't many."

"Okay, then why don't you go study?"

"Hyung, who studies during the weekends? That's not the purpose of weekends."

The elder stopped his work and turned his chair to face the younger.

"Then what is it for, eh smartypants?"

Jungkook sat up, legs crossed on the bed, and made a thinking face.

"Well it's certainly not for studying."

"You have to be specific, buddy."

"Weekends are for fun, hyung! Relaxation for the brain."

The younger said as he flailed his arms around and tapped his head.

"Look, I love my brain, but I'd love to give it a rest sometimes, yknow?"

Jin chuckled at the younger and ruffled his hair, making Jungkook screech in protest. Like an angry baby rabbit.

"Well, if you wanna have fun, go explore downstairs. But no mess, okay? Mom will kill you."

"Ugh, fine."

Jungkook slid down off of his hyung's bed and rolled himself towards the door. The elder just stared at his brother and sighed as Jungkook was out of sight. He sometimes wonders why his brothers (why all his friends, actually) are extra AF.

He's sometimes sure that maybe Jungkook got his 'extraness' from their uncle Jackson who's living in China. The kid spends way too much time with their uncle whenever he visits them in the US.

"What a weird kid."



Hyung's way too busy these days. He's always either at the office or doing paperworks. It's kinda sad seeing him work so hard but fulfilling at the same time. Jin-hyung's doing his best for the school and I appreciate that.

Well, enough of that, I should look for some movies to watch.

Netflix should be good. Let's see, The Flash, nope seen that. Spiderman? Nah, seen that too.

Scroll scroll scroll.




Not in the mood.

Fifty Shades of Grey?

How tf did that get in there????

House of Army?

Eh, I promised Chim and Taehyungie that I'd watch this with them.

Man, I can't choose anything. Guess I'll just watch Iron Man.

I paused the movie's opening credits after I selected it. Heading straight to the kitchen, I grabbed a bowl and some popcorn. Eating popcorn while watching movies is always great. I placed the popcorn in the microwave and waited for it to finish.

While waiting, I also grabbed some apple juice from the fridge and put some in my red sippy cup, which I got from Taehyungie last Christmas. It was red with gold lettering along the shaft, 'Golden Maknae'. Taehyungie must've spent a lot on this gift.

As I got deeper into my thoughts, the microwave signaled that my popcorn is ready. I hopped off the island and grabbed the bowl from the sink, pouring some warm popcorn into it. I also grabbed my drink and rushed to the living room where my movie was waiting.

Ah, this is going to be fun.


ah, i have been slacking off

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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