"It's your job to figure it out"

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"Now, tell me your story," he prompted me.
He just told me he wasn't human, and he expected me to simply start talking about my life? What parallel universe did he live in?!

So I told him, "you just told me that you're not human, and you expect me to start talking about my life, just like that? What parallel universe do you live in?"

He laughed. I'm super funny, ha ha ha. "I live in the same universe as you, Cleo, I just don't think like you. Look, I told you my story, and now you tell me yours. It can't be much worse than revealing to me that you're actually a vampire," he joked.

Damn, but he was right. My family's secrets now seemed worthless in front of his own. "Fine. If you haven't already recognised me, and I'm betting you haven't, I am Fenston Barclay's daughter. Yes, he is the prime minister.  And also, he's dead. I am going to be prime minister in a weeks time. "

He looked at me, not knowing how to respond. After a long, awkward silence, he finally murmured, "oh, I'm sorry." 

"It's nothing that you could prevent," I shrugged. He didn't know how much I actually wanted my dad back right now. The only reason for this, is that he would get me out of being the next prime minister, and that scared me. 
"Did you not like your father then?" He read my mind.

"I don't know," I answered truthfully, "my dad was never one of those 'Be good at school, and remember, I love you' father. He was more of a, 'you will be the next prime minister, here's what you need to know," type of father.  I'm not saying he didn't love me, but at least he never showed it. But I guess you can't not like your parents."

"Yeah, I guess so," he paused but continued, to my surprise. "I never met my parents, although I must have had a pair, definitely, " he laughed at his own joke, "my specie leaves their young as soon as they are born. They don't really need protection, they're really tough."

It was my turn to say it. "Oh...I'm sorry."

"I don't miss them anyway.  You can't miss something you never had!"
"I guess so."
*awkward pause*

"Anyways, what are you going to do now?" He asked me, and I was grateful he didn't push my family story. 
"I don't know," I replied too quickly. He nodded his head in understanding.

"The question is, do you want to be prime minister?" He asked.  I knew the answer to that immediately.
"Then what are you afraid of? Don't be prime minister! Be whatever else you want. Your father isn't around to determine your life!" He nearly shouted from the 'inspirational' mood that was reflecting all over him.

"But I'll break the tradition..." I whispered.

"So what, are your ancestors alive to strangle you if you don't follow the tradition?" He waited for me to shake my head and then continued, "exactly! Cleo, you are in power.  You can do whatever you want. There is no daddy or old grandpa looking over your shoulder as far as I know!"

"Then what do you suggest, not be the prime minister? But then who's it going to be? The country needs a ruler!"

He smiled slyly. "I think I've said enough for now. After all, it's your country and it's your job to figure out what to do."

And he left me there, in the middle of the forest, trembling about what was going to happen..

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