Christmas Eve

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So I'm thinking of putting more photos in my stories to make them more interactive: I hope you like this! Anyways, wow, 263 views? Thanks! So here is the Christmassy chapter you have all been expecting, and I hope you like it! This is a quite short chapter, and sorry for that, but I celebrate Christmas and I didn't really have time to write much more! Happy Christmas everyone!

"Oh hey, and you still haven't told me why you were beaten up like that!" Laurent smirked unexpectedly.
See, I told you he was going to ask me sooner or later!
"Hmph...fine. My bodyguards beat me up and left me there for no reason, or at least I think it was for no reason anyway...."
"Harsh," he murmured.
"Tell me about it," I sighed. We stayed silent for a bit, more awkwardness building up.
"So what happens now?"
"I don't know," I answered honestly. "I mean, I can't go back to my house, the men will beat me up even worse. I guess finding the right person to be Prime Minister didn't really work; I can't believe I fell for what Chief Gustav told me! So I don't know what to do..."

"Why don't you try to ask people if they want to be Prime Minister? Well, who wouldn't want that, but out of everyone who wants to do that, you will choose the right person. Or even, if you don't want to spend your time choosing, let the public choose!" He was clearly so excited.

That reminded me of something. "Wait, isn't that what the do in Bostavia (a nearby country)? It is called 'voting' right?" He ducked his face deeper in his sweatshirt. "Oh, don't pretend you made that up yourself, you know that too!" I laughed.

"Aww, I was hoping you wouldn't remember! But sometimes I forget you're the ex-Prime-Minister's daughter!"

"Well, it turns out I am. So, do you suggest, that I should do what they do in Bostavia?"

"Exactly," Laurent smiled.

We got out of McDonald's and I realised it was snowing. Wow. I hadn't realised that it was so cold until now. Neither had I realised that it was already December 24th: Christmas Eve. Time passes fast.

"It's already Christmas, isn't it?" Laurent asked, even though it was more of a rhetorical question.

I nodded. Tomorrow, I was going to announce the new news to the public. It was easier said than done though. What if they don't accept it, or don't like it?

I sighed, thoughts swirling in my head again. Suddenly, something freezing hit me hard on my cheek.

"Laurent!" He started to make another snowball in his gloved hands. Good thing I had waterproof gloves and he didn't, meaning his hands would much sooner freeze than mine so he wouldn't be able to throw more snowballs!

We had a fun snowball fight for the most of fifteen minutes and it helped to take my mind off things. Laurent was actually a really fun person.

"Soo, do you celebrate Christmas?" I asked Laurent. I actually didn't know, because I didn't think he was religious or anything.
"Well, I don't find it a huge celebration cause I'm usually alone this time of the year, but since you celebrate it...I guess I could make an exception!"

We walked up and down the streets, trying to find a fancy restaurant so we could spend a lot of money on food, just for the saying of it. We ended in a restaurant with red, velvet-covered chairs and golden candles everywhere.

"Let's have a fuckin great time! After all, it's Christmas Eve!" I said to Laurent, feeling drunk with happiness even though I hadn't drank anything but water. 

"That's the spirit!" He laughed with me. A thought crossed my head.


She could be worried. She would be really upset, not knowing where I was, on Christmas Eve. I bet she'll spend the day crying for me to come back home...

Whatever. I deserve to have a perfect Christmas for the first time in my life, doing what only I want.

We ordered a few appetisers including some Roasted Red Pepper Tapenade and some red wine. It wasn't like we were going to get drunk or anything, just for the fun of it. I was actually shocked when we ordered it and the waitress just nodded, even though she clearly knew we were under eighteen.  It's amazing what people do just to get money.

Another two mains and two desserts, one Mixed Berry and Fruit tart and a Lemon Cheesecake. By the end, we were both so full, we had to order a sprite each to digest it all.

I looked at my watch. 01:52.

Ha. That was the latest I've ever been up to, not including the nights when I lied sleepless in my bed, wondering about what life could be like if I wasn't the Prime Minister's daughter.

We walked up to a churchyard. The church was quite old, and the yard was covered in snow. The lampposts were shining on the snow, making it all glittery and magical. It was beautiful.

I sat on the snow, in the middle of the church's yard, looking at the sky. The flakes were falling so softly on the ground, like tiny drops in an ocean. It was so peaceful.

Laurent sat next to me and looked up to the sky too. "It's pretty, isn't it?"

I nodded.  Tomorrow was an important day, probably the most important one in my lifetime so far. Yet everything in nature told me that it was going to be alright. And not only I could hear everything telling me that it was going to be okay, I started believing in it.

The boy and the girl just sat in the middle of a churchyard looking up to the sky, believing in tomorrow.

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