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Why could I not feel my arm? Was it broken? What just happened?! Where was I?

A dark figure approached me. He was definitely male and muscular. Usually, I would have been terrified and run away. Now I didn't have time to be afraid. I was literally paralysed on the spot. The figure came closer.


"Hey! Are you okay?" He bent down to help me. "Woah, what happened? Have you been bleeding for long?" I really couldn't answer that, as I had no idea myself.

He ripped one of his sleeves and tied it tight around my thigh and arm. It soaked up the blood immediately-i hadn't realised how much I was bleeding until then. Laurent got up. I couldn't really see what he was doing but he came up with a wet cloth in less than a minute. He tried to wipe the blood of my forehead but I tensed from the pain. "Sorry!" He shouted, suddenly scared. "Oh my god, what happened?" He looked so tired but caring at the same time. That surprised me, because after all, we had only met once. And still, there he was, taking care of me, in the best way possible.

Then I remembered something: "aren't you supposed to be eating me?" I said, realising I sounded so hoarse and exhausted.

He laughed and shrugged, "I'm 'vegetarian' remember? I've gotten over my human diet."

I just nodded because I had no energy left to answer.

Time lapse: ten minutes later

Laurent took me to a small hospital in the suburbs of the city. "They will help you more than I can," he answered when I asked him why. Well, I guess that was very kind of him.

I was really grateful to the nurses, who didn't ask anything about why I was covered in mainly blood and dirt. I somehow knew that as soon as I got out of this place, Laurent would ask me and I would tell him. After all, he told me his biggest secret after only a few hours of meeting me. The nurses treated me quickly and I was out in less than half an hour. Laurent met me at the front entrance.

"Look, I want to thank you. What you did back there...it was very kind of you, and I guess I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate it," I said, glancing at the floor several times, "I mean, we only know each other for what, less than four hours, and you already kind of saved my life. So I'm....forever grateful!"

He laughed, and I wondered why. Before I had the chance to say something, he said: "Cleo, seriously, we do not know each other for less than four hours! I mean, you do but...okay, it's...hard to explain. Well...I just know you more time than you think I do..." he tried explaining.

It so didn't work though. I mean, did he just tell me that he had been stalking me for some time before I even knew he existed?

I stayed silent for the whole ride to McDonald's (yes, even though it's junk food and in my personal opinion, McDonald food should be given to punish people by making them fat).
I was really hungry though.

Laurent and I got a table and sat down silently, staring at our burgers.

"What , isn't your kind supposed to eat?" I joked, trying to 'enlighten' the atmosphere.

The corner of his lips raised a little as he said, "yes actually we do. But I prefer a more...healthy diet," he said, looking down at his French fries.

"Me too, you know. I think junk food is the ultimate disgrace to the world. Only for fat people!" (sorry if I'm being disrespectful to anyone, this is just a fiction story remember!)
I agreed.

"It is also reaaaally bad if you workout, which I guess you do..."
Ughh, Cleo stop blushing, I cursed myself.

"Yeah, I do. I just like the idea of beating my guys at arm wrestling," he laughed to himself.

"Woah, so you have friends!" I joked. His answer kind of surprised me.
"Nah, not really. Not real ones anyway," he shrugged, seeming like he was away in his own little world.
"Oh. Well, me neither. At least you have some kinds of friends! I have none. Or at least I used to have, but you know...people change,"
He smiled kindly and fell back to his seat. There was an awkward silence for the maximum of five whole minutes. I suddenly remembered.

"So....what was that thing you said at the hospital, about knowing me a lot more time than I know you?" I asked, profoundly curious. His eyes flashed wide open and he blushed.

"Ermm...So my grandfather and your father kinda know each other. Or at least used to," he said, remembering the fact that my dad was dead.
I prompted him to continue.
"So from when I was born, I don't know if you have ever noticed, but I was this strange, short boy who used to come to your house a lot back when we were like ten, because my grandpa and your dad were really good friends. Shame they both passed away," he sighed sadly.

"Yeah...Hey, I think I remember you! You were that black-haired, short boy that I always thought was stalking me!" I laughed.

He went serious for a second. "Ouch!"
I laughed at his fake disappointment.

"Sooo...we have loooong history together, it turns out!" I beamed at him, feeling the happiness overwhelm me for the first time in that day.

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